تعریف هنر بر اساس سوره مبارکه حمد (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
پژوهش پیش رو در تلاش برای درک مفهوم هنر اسلامی به سراغ مهم ترین مرجع اسلامی یعنی قرآن خواهد رفت. برای رجوع به قرآن نیاز است که مفهوم مورد نظر به دقت شناخته شود به همین جهت در این مقاله مفهوم عرفی هنر به وسیله گزاره ها و تعاریف علمی موجود که در زمینه هنر و مفهوم آن مطرح می شود، استخراج شده و مؤلفه های اصلی مفهوم هنر از منظر عرف متخصصان و جامعه هنری شناخته می شود. این مؤلفه ها عبارت اند از زیبایی، القاکنندگی، هشیارسازی، حرکت و تحول، موضوعات اصلی هنر و...؛ سپس با کمک کتب لغت معادل قرآنی مؤلفه های پیداشده استخراج شدند. برای زیبایی واژه حمد و حسن، القا همان واژه، هشیارسازی معادل ذکر، حرکت معادل تفکر و موضوعات معادل مثل ها، قصص، آیات و ... انتخاب شد. برای درک و تعریف مؤلفه اصلی یعنی حمد به سوره مبارکه حمد مراجعه کرده و بر اساس این سوره هنر و مؤلفه های آن را معنی می کند. بر این اساس هنر عبارت است از بروز حسن و کمالی که موجب جلب توجه و نظر مخاطب شده، در او ایجاد ذوق تحسین می نماید و در اثر آن وی را به کمالی رهنمون ساخته، او را به غایتی از جنس عبودیت و هدایت و دریافت نعمت سوق می دهد. این تعریف برگرفته از مفهوم حمد است زیرا ستایش زیبایی تنها در صورت ارتباط با حمد مورد قبول خداوند است. با توجه به این تعریف اگر هنر خلق کمال باشد این وصف تنها متعلق به خداوند است و تنها او شایسته چنین وصفی است و دیگران در این زمینه واسطه نمایان کردن کمال خلق شده توسط خداوند هستند. لذا از این منظر هنرمند در نقش حامد است یعنی کسی است که بروز حسن را درک کرده و خود و دیگران را در معرض تحسین آن قرار می دهد.Definition of Art based on Surah Mubarakah Al-Hamd
Art has always been one of the main pillars of human civilization and has played various roles in different societies. From a means of expressing personal emotions and experiences to a tool for conveying cultural, social, and religious concepts, art has captured human attention throughout history. In Islamic culture, art holds a special place that is worthy of consideration not only from an aesthetic perspective but also from a spiritual one. In this context, Islamic art has unique characteristics in connection with religious and Quranic concepts, especially Surah Al-Fatiha (the Opening). This research aims to examine the notion of art in Surah Al-Fatiha and provide a framework for Islamic religious art. Surah Al-Fatiha is one of the key surahs of the Quran, recited in every Muslim prayer. This surah begins with praising and glorifying God and refers to concepts such as Lordship, mercy, justice, and guidance. Therefore, analyzing this surah can lead us to a deeper understanding of the role of art in Islam and its importance as a tool for elucidating spiritual truths and educating human beings.While this surah expresses profound philosophical and divine concepts, it is also accompanied by linguistic and literary beauty, and it can be seen as an example of art serving the spiritual and moral guidance of humanity. When discussing the Quran, it is crucial to have a precise understanding of the intended concept. This article analyzes existing propositions and scientific definitions to clarify the conventional concept of art and its meaning. We will also identify the main components of the notion of art from the perspective of experts and the artistic community. In various cultures, art has always been regarded as a tool for displaying and expressing human emotions, experiences, and beliefs. In Western philosophy, from classical times to the present, art has been discussed as a means of imitating nature or creating an independent truth. Plato viewed art as an imperfect reflection of absolute truth, believing art cannot attain complete truth. He considered art a form of imitation of reality that may distance humans from understanding the truth.On the other hand, Aristotle perceived art as a means to purify the human soul through empathy with the emotions of others. He believed that art could aid in cleansing negative feelings and emotions through the experience of catharsis. These views have been examined by thinkers and artists in later periods, contributing to the development of Western art. The main components of the concept of art from the perspective of experts and the artistic community include beauty, evocation, awareness-raising, movement and transformation, and key art themes, among others. However, in Islam, art is regarded not only as a means of expressing human emotions but also as a tool for conveying divine messages and manifesting spiritual truth. In this framework, Islamic art seeks to represent the absolute divine truth revealed in the Holy Quran. The Quran is valuable not only as the word of God from a content perspective but also as an artistic masterpiece from an aesthetic perspective.The combination of linguistic beauty and profound spiritual concepts in the Quran, especially in Surah Al-Fatiha, demonstrates the significance of art in serving divine purposes. For the beauty of the word “praise,” it has been chosen. To understand and define the main component, namely “praise,” we refer to Surah Al-Fatiha, and based on this surah, we interpret art and its components. Surah Al-Fatiha begins with praising God: “Alhamdulillah Rabb al-’Alamin” (Praise be to God, the Lord of the Worlds). This sentence indicates that God is not only the world’s Creator, but also the overseer and manager of all beings. This divine governance and Lordship is exercised through His guidance and mercy upon humans and other beings.In this context, Islamic art must also guide and direct humans and act as a means for drawing closer to God. This research also explores the role of Islamic artists in elucidating spiritual concepts. From the Islamic perspective, an artist creates artwork through a deep understanding of divine truth inspired by Quranic meanings. They act as intermediaries between God and humanity, striving to convey divine messages to the audience through art. Such an artist utilizes various artistic tools, including painting, calligraphy, architecture, and music, and endeavors to guide humans toward spiritual perfection and closeness to God. Therefore, art in Islam is not merely a means of expressing personal emotions. It is a tool for educating and guiding humanity toward truth. In another section of this research, the relationship between art and spiritual education in Islam is examined. Islamic art, grounded in Quranic concepts, can play an effective role in educating individuals. Art serves not only as a source of enjoyment and appreciation of beauty but also as a means for reflection on divine concepts.Especially in Islamic societies, art has always played a central role in expressing spiritual and mystical concepts. Geometric and abstract motifs in Islamic architecture and decoration symbolize divine order and harmony, ultimately leading humans to closer communion with God and a better understanding of the world and its Creator. The findings of this research indicate that Surah Al-Fatiha, as one of the key surahs of the Quran, can serve as a suitable basis for defining Islamic religious art. Concepts such as Lordship, guidance, mercy, and justice, frequently mentioned in this surah, provide a comprehensive framework for Islamic art. In this view, Islamic art should be simultaneously aesthetically pleasing and capable of conveying deep spiritual and ethical concepts to the audience. Unlike many other arts that may only emphasize apparent beauty, Islamic art seeks to express divine truths and educate humanity. This art can play a fundamental role in the spiritual guidance of humanity toward perfection and closeness to God.Therefore, art is defined as the manifestation of beauty and perfection that attracts the audience’s attention, evokes their admiration, and guides them toward a purpose related to servitude, guidance, and receiving divine grace. This definition is derived from the concept of praise, as the appreciation of beauty is only accepted regarding the praise of God. According to this definition, if art is the creation of perfection, this attribute solely belongs to God, and only He is worthy of such a description. Others are intermediaries in revealing the perfection created by God. Thus, from this perspective, the artist assumes the role of a praiser, meaning one who recognizes the manifestation of beauty and places themselves and others in a position to admire it.