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إنّ قضیه التفاعل بین النص والقارئ ومفهوم "مواقع اللاتحدید" هما من أهم الموضوعات المطروحه فی نظریه "جمالیه التجاوب" ل "ولفغانغ أیزر". تسعى هذه النظریه إلى إعاده الاعتبار للقارئ المهمَش فی الدراسات الأدبیه السابقه من خلال الاهتمام بدور القارئ فی عملیه القراءه، والبحث عن المفاهیم والطروحات التی تساعد على إقامه التفاعل بین النص والقارئ. تنطلق هذه الدراسه من تصور محدد وهو أنّ تلک المفاهیم التی طرحها أیزر تقدم لنا آلیات إجرائیه مفیده لدراسه النص القرآنی والنصوص التفسیریه من منظور جدید. وعلى هذا، ترید الدراسه تسلیط الضوء على بعض مواقع اللاتحدید فی سوره الرحمن التی هی من أکثر السور القرآنیه إثاره للدراسه والتحلیل بالنظر إلى شکلها الخاص، وعلى کیفیه تعامل "أنجلیکا نویورث" مع هذه المواقع باعتبارها القارئه لهذا النص. إنّ الترکیز على نویورث فی هذا البحث یعود إلى منهجها فی دراسه القرآن وتأکیدها على تلقی السور القرآنیه کالوحده الأدبیه وقراءتها التفسیریه للسور القرآنیه والتی تسمح لنا أن ندرس تفسیرها وفق معطیات نظریه جمالیه التجاوب وبالاستعانه من المنهج الوصفی –التحلیلی. إنّ الهدف من هذا البحث هو الوصول إلى الطریقه الجدیده لدراسه البنیه النصیه للقرآن ولتحلیل النصوص التفسیریه وتعیین معیار لتمییز تحققات المتلقین المفسرین القریبه والبعیده عن هذا النص العظیم. وقد اتضح أنّ نویورث فی دراستها التفسیریه لهذه السوره، تحاول أن تملأ مواقع اللاتحدید حسب المعلومات الوارده فی النصوص الدینیه السابقه وتحلیلاتها الخاصه عن القصائد الجاهلیه.

The "Spots of Indeterminacies" and the interaction between the text and reader; Analytical study in Angelika Neuwirth reading of Surah Al-Rahman

The interaction between text and reader and the concept of the "spots of Indeterminacies "are among the essential topics in Wolfgang Iser's theory of "Aesthetics Responsive ". This theory seeks to pay attention to the reader's role in the reading process and formulate concepts that lead to increased interaction between the text and the reader. This study believes that the concepts proposed by Iser provide functional mechanisms for research in the text of the Qur'an and interpretive texts from a new perspective. Therefore, in the present study, we tried to study essential indeterminate spaces in Surah Al-Rahman and investigate how Angelika Neuwirth interacted with these spaces of Surah. The focus on Neuwirth in this study stems from her interpretive approach to the study of the Qur'an and her emphasis on considering Qur'anic chapters as literary pieces. The purpose of this study is to achieve a new approach to research in the textual structure of the Qur'an as well as interpretive texts and determine an indicator to identify the near and far interpretations of this precious text by using descriptive and analytical methods. In this regard, it was observed that Neuwirth, in her interpretive reading of this Surah, tries to fill in the blanks by using the topics discussed in the previous religious books and the results of her analysis of the poems of the pre-Islamic period. Keywords: Surah Al-Rahman, The spots of Indeterminacies, interaction between text and reader, Angelica Neuwirth. The interaction between text and reader and the concept of the "spots of Indeterminacies "are among the essential topics in Wolfgang Iser's theory of "Aesthetics Responsive ". This theory seeks to pay attention to the reader's role in the reading process and formulate concepts that lead to increased interaction between the text and the reader. This study believes that the concepts proposed by Iser provide functional mechanisms for research in the text of the Qur'an and interpretive texts from a new perspective. Therefore, in the present study, we tried to study essential indeterminate spaces in Surah Al-Rahman and investigate how Angelika Neuwirth interacted with these spaces of Surah. The focus on Neuwirth in this study stems from her interpretive approach to the study of the Qur'an and her emphasis on considering Qur'anic chapters as literary pieces. The purpose of this study is to achieve a new approach to research in the textual structure of the Qur'an as well as interpretive texts and determine an indicator to identify the near and far interpretations of this precious text by using descriptive and analytical methods. In this regard, it was observed that Neuwirth, in her interpretive reading of this Surah, tries to fill in the blanks by using the topics discussed in the previous religious books and the results of her analysis of the poems of the pre-Islamic period. Keywords: Surah Al-Rahman, The spots of Indeterminacies, interaction between text and reader, Angelica Neuwirth. Introduction The purpose of this study is to achieve a new approach to research in the textual structure of the Qur'an and interpretive texts and determine an indicator to identify the near and far interpretations of this precious text and find out how Angelica Neuwirth dealt with the "spots of Indeterminacies" in Surat Al-Rahman. To answer this question, we rely on Roman Ingarden's (1970-1893) phenomenological philosophy, as well as Wolfgang Iser's (1926-2007) aesthetic response theory, which attempted to delve into the fundamental dilemma of the search for the interaction between the text and the reader. The significance of this study arises from becoming familiar with contemporary theories that raise new issues about the Qur'anic text and exegetical texts that lead to the completeness of our understanding of the Qur'an and for the interpretive recipients of this text. The reason for this study's focus on Neuwirth is that she uses the surah as a basic unit
