
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


إنّ المتتبّع لتاریخ الدراسات النقدیه ینتبه إلی أنّ الدراسات فی کلّ عصر تهدف إلی غایه معینه، وبما أنَّ الدراسات النقدیه القدیمه کانت فی معظمها لأغراض دینیه ؛ فالهدف الأساس منها یتحدّد فی المحافظه علی القرآن وفهمه بالدرجه الأولی ثم المحافظه علی لغته فلهذا نری عملیه فهم النص عند المعتزلیین بناءً علی أفکارهم المذهبیه لم تتخلّص فی العنایه بمستوی اللغه أو النظر إلی دلاله النص اللغویه من جهه کونها حقیقه لغویه فحسب، بل هی تفجیر مستمر من المعلومات القائمه علی اللغه التی لها دخل فی تمییز التفکیر المعیاریّ من سواه. والزمخشری الذی یترأس مذهب الاعتزال لا ترضیه المستویات اللغویه الظاهریه کسور رائد البنیویه بل یمیل إلی الإتیان بالأدلّه والبراهین. فبناءً علی ذلک تهدف هذه المقاله إلی أن تزیح السّتار عن رؤیه الزمخشری فی عملیه استخراج المعنی والإتیان بالشّواهد القرآنیه التی یقوم الزمخشری بتحدید الدلاله فیها مستعینا بالمعیاریه والوصفیه. فلهذا ینصبّ جُلّ اهتمام هذا البحث علی التفکیر الوصفیّ والمعیاریّ عند الزمخشری والإتیان بالشواهد منه بمعونه الشواهد النحویه فی تفسیر الکشاف(سورهآل عمران). والنتائج الحاصله تؤید صحه ما نحن فیه ، والتراکیب النحویه عنده تمتزج بالأدله النحویه والمعیار بحیث قد تؤدّی هذه الأدله إلی تحدید الدلاله القطعیه وقد تؤدّی إلی التعسّف.

Understanding the text based on Zamakhshari's point of view (the apparent and intellectual dimension of language) in Surah Al-Imran "Practical Example: Syn-tax"

Undoubtedly, one who pursues linguistic research finds that these studies pursue a particular goal in every way. Based on this, ancient linguistic studies were more religious in nature, and they were summarized in the preservation of the Holy Qur'an and its avoidance. Among these studies, it is possible to point out that the Mu'tazilite sectarian studies have not convinced the apparent aspects of their language, according to their eternal thinking.They believed that a large part of the language needed to be interpreted to understand the author's intentions. And Zamzakhri, who was at the head of the Mu'tazilite viewpoint, did not pay enough attention to the apparent aspect of the text, syntax, mere, sound, mementos, etc., but he Blended its rational and non-linguistic views of the apparent aspect of language. Therefore, by adopting a descriptive and analytical method, this paper tries to analyze and interpret the syntactic views of Zamakhshari in the commentary of the schisma, which is sometimes a mixture of reason, by bringing Quranic evidence from Sura Āl ʻImrān's. Keywords Zamakhshari- apparent texture of language- rational view- syntax- syntactic criterion. Introduction In the past, the prevailing method in critical studies has been a position between descriptive and normatif. According to the ancients, normatif does not mean the loss of the descriptive method, but for them it means normatif method mixed with the descriptive, and of course their approach is more following the philosophers. Greek is like Aristotle and Plato, and they take help from them in critical studies.What is noteworthy in this context is that Criterionist linguists start from generalities and leave details to create rules and hypotheses,and they basically rely on the rule and avoid description and for what is out of the norm, they resort to interpretation, and if they encounter a problem in interpretation, they consider it rare and rare. (Zoin, 23:1986). according to this, Zamakhshri as a result Intellectual and Mu'tazili teachings He is inclined towards a normatif method and the apparent level of his language does not convince him. But He argues that when the meaning is linked to the divine words, the "Holy Qur'an", its complexity increases and the apparent meaning is not enough for us. Because he believes that the objective theory, whose goal is to identify the essential with the divine nature, It occupies the place of the sign. And this means that Qur'anic text based on the meaning related to the signifier The non-appearance of the language is arranged. It is from this point of view that Zamakhshari argues that the meaning of the sentence is not determined only by the appearance of the language. Rather, there is a set of codified laws among the Arabs Familiarity with them is necessary to extract the desired meaning and avoid neglecting the meaning. Whatever it is, its meaning is not as clear as some think Rather, "every word is surrounded by shades of different psychological and emotional meanings And it gives temporary colors of emotions and imagination, which expresses its expressive value. (Zoin, 1986, 92) So Zamakhshari tends to "a descriptive method mixed with a criterion to determine the meaning of the Qur'an" (Al-Juvini, 1961: 95). Conclusion We conclude that Zamakhshari is the one who puts syntax in front of his eyes, but when he feels the need to achieve the desired meaning, he discards it and takes help from rational analysis or what is outside the text. Therefore, it can be said that standard syntax is mixed with rational reason according to Zamakhshari. And it has a great impact on extracting meaning. He acts rightly by relying on reason, and sometimes he may act arbitrarily or as if he made a mistake.
