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یمثل الالتفات خاصیه فنیه مهمه فی بناء الأسالیب التعبیریه العالیه؛ لأنه یورث الکلام أثراً فنیاً یوقد ذهن المتلقی وینبه إحساسه ومشاعره. لذا یجد العربی یقبل علیه ویستملحه؛ لأنه یحس بأن الکلام إذا نقل من أسلوب إلى أسلوب یکون آملاً باستدرار الإصغاء إلیه. ویحدث الالتفات تحولاً فی الأسلوب اللغوی، لیفید تنویعاً فی بناء الأسالیب الفنیه، ویوحی بکثیر من المعانی البلاغیه. وذلک بأن الأحادیث تجری علی لسان أفصح العرب وهو الرسول (ص) ، تذخر بالفصاحه والبلاغه. إذ نجدها تکثر من الالتفات بین الضمائر، لیصیب فی معانیه کمال الفصاحه والبیان، ویتنوع النبیّ (ص) فی خطابه حتى لا یضجر المخاطب. وینوع فی أسلوبه لیوسع فی کلامه، حتی یجعل المعنى المراد أبلغ وأفصح. وکان یحدث خصائص أسلوبیه فی الحدث والمعنى، فیعدل عن الفعل الماضی إلى المضارع لمقصد بلاغی وغرض فنی. کذلک خرج على مبدأ المطابقه النحویه بین الصفه والموصوف فی العدد والنوع، إذ کان یعمد فی تعبیره إلى إحداث تحول فی النسق النحوی لمقاصد بلاغیه. وهذه الدراسه تسعى إلى استجلاء خاصیه الالتفات فی الأحادیث القدسیه، معتمده المنهج التحلیلی الوصفی، ساعیا لإجابه هذه الأسئله کیف تجلی الالتفات فی الأحادیث القدسیه. ونتائج البحث تشیر إلی أن دوافع الالتفات فی الضمائر قد تکون متشابهه أو متکرره بین أقسامها المختلفه. فالالتفات فی ترکیب الفعلی فی السیاق النصیّ یؤدی إلی تشکیل تحولات ومتغیرات دلالیه جدیده.

The phenomenon of attention in the hadiths Qudsi

Attention represents an important artistic characteristic in building highly expressive styles. Because it gives speech an artistic effect that ignites the mind of the recipient and stimulates his senses and feelings. So he finds the Arab accepting him and begging him. Because he feels that if the speech is transferred from one style to another, he hopes that it will be listened to again. The attention creates a shift in the linguistic style, to diversify the construction of artistic styles, and to suggest many rhetorical meanings. This is because the hadiths take place on the tongue of the most eloquent Arab - the Messenger (PBUH) - and are full of eloquence and eloquence. We find that there is a lot of confusion between pronouns, so that its meanings achieve complete eloquence and clarification, and the Prophet (PBUH) varied in his speech so as not to bore the addressee. He diversifies his style to expand his words, in order to make the intended meaning more eloquent and eloquent. He used stylistic characteristics in the event and meaning, changing the past tense to the present tense for a rhetorical purpose and artistic purpose. He also departed from the principle of grammatical correspondence between the adjective and what is described in number and type, as he intended in his expression to cause a shift in the grammatical system for rhetorical purposes. This study seeks to clarify the characteristic of attention in the holy hadiths, adopting the analytical-descriptive approach, seeking to answer these questions: How is attention revealed in the holy hadiths. The results of the research indicate that the motives for attention in pronouns may be similar or repeated between their different sections. Paying attention to the structure of the verb in the textual context leads to the formation of new semantic transformations and variables. Keywords: The Noble Prophet, Holy Hadiths, Style, Rhetoric, Attention. Introduction: The sciences of Arabic are the repository of the secret of Arabic and the manifestation of its majesty. There is no virtue or merit in a speech except what it contains of its charms and deposited in it of its characteristics. There is no distinction or dominance of one speaker over another due to what he weaves of its wisps, breathes out of its magic, and avoids its ripening fruits. One of the types of eloquence is attention that stimulates the listener and awakens him to listen, as is the custom of writers in their fascination with speech and their behavior in it. If speech is transferred from one style to another style, it is better to refresh the listener’s activity and awaken him to listen to it than to conduct it according to one style. The soul is on the verge of loving the new and the transformation that gives the style an attractive elegance and the meaning an expressive revelation, which gives speech and poetry strength in influence and depth of expression. Paying attention as a rhetorical phenomenon is one of the manifestations of the rhetoric of religious texts, especially in the sacred hadiths. Therefore, rhetoric scholars were interested in studying them and devoted chapters to it in their rhetorical studies. As for the hadith, it is everything that was narrated on the authority of the Prophet (PBUH) before and after the mission. Mostly, what is narrated on the authority of the Prophet (PBUH) after the prophecy, including words, actions, and reports, is the Sunnah of narratives on the authority of the Prophet (PBUH). Speech, action, and report, and the definite part is what was assigned to the followers. As for the Prophetic Hadith: it is what was added to the Messenger in word and meaning. Sometimes it is through the Prophet’s diligence and sometimes it is due to the revelation. It has been said that there is no difference between the holy Hadith and the Prophetic Hadith except with the useful indication that it is sacred for attention to it. As for the sacred hadith, it is what was added to the
