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تعتبر «الصوره الفنیه» قاعده الأسلوب القرآنی الأساسیّه،وأداته المفضّله فی التعبیر عن المعانی المجردّه،والحالات النفسیه،وسائر الموضوعات. القرآن الکریم لا یحتوی على کلمات مألوفه بلا روح، بل القرآن یبثّ الروح والحیویّه فی المفاهیم و المعانی،ویجسّد المعانی المجرده والموضوعات الروحیه والعقلیه والحالات الحسیه بالصور الحیه والدینامیکیّه وبهذه الوسیله قد نزّل الله تعالى المعارف العلیا والعمیقه لمستوى فهم الإنسان. من المفاهیم الأساسیّه والمعقّده وأکثر رواجا فی القرآن الکریم مفهوم الشرک وفهم وجوهه أکثر صعوبه من المفاهیم المتشابهه لأن هذا المفهوم أحیانا یختلط بالمفاهیم المتماثله مثل الکفر والإیمان، وهو یعتبر قطبا تدور حوله مفاهیم أخرى مرتبطه بحیث أنّ الله تعالى یعبر عن مفهوم الشرک فی القرآن على أنه أعظم أنواع الظلم وأسوأه؛إِنَّ الشِّرْکَ لَظُلْمٌ عَظِیمٌ(لقمان/13). هذا البحث یقصد دراسه الصور الفنیه وعناصرها بناء على نظریه سید قطب فیما یتعلق بالمفهوم الانتزاعی للشرک فی سوره الحج للقرآن الکریم مع الترکیز على استخراج وظائف هذه الصور بشکل مستقل معتمدا على رأی عبدالسلام أحمد الراغب. للوصول إلى هذا الهدف استخدمنا المنهج الوصفی- التحلیلی مستعینا بالجداول الإحصائیه.من النتائج التی توصلت إلیها الدراسه هی أن الله سبحانه لم یستخدم الصوره الفنیه إلا لمجرد غرض وظیفی یتجلى فی تجسید وعرض الفکره الرئیسه التی تشتمل علیها کل آیه من الآیات المدروسه؛علاوه على ذلک،عنصر التناسق الفنی هو الأکثر حضورا بین عناصر الصوره الفنیه لمفهوم الشرک فی سوره الحج،وعدد تواتره(14مره) ثمّ عنصر التجسیم(4مرات)وبعد ذلک عنصر التخییل الحسی(مرتین)وأیضاً الوظیفه الاعتقادیه تصدّرت وظائف الصور الفنیه لهذا المفهوم وعدد تکرارها(5مرات)ثم جاءت الوظائف النفسیه،والعقلیه،والاجتماعیه،والتاریخیه،والسیاسیه بالترتیب.

Artistic depiction of the concept of polytheism in the Holy Quran and its functions based on the theory of Sayyid Qutb and Abd al-Salam Ahmad al-Ragheb (Case study of Surah Hajj)

"Artistic imagery" is the basic rule of the style of the Qur'an and its favorite tool for expressing meanings, mental states and human attitudes. Embodies spiritual and intellectual themes and sensory states in vivid and dynamic images, and by this, God has revealed high and deep cognitions for the level of human understanding. One of the basic topics of aesthetics in the word is artistic imagery, which has long been of interest to people of taste and art. Visual criticism, especially in the contemporary era, has been of great interest to literary people. By artistic image, we mean artistic paintings and It is beautiful that the Qur'an draws by using the imagination and virtual uses of words. The beauty and subtlety of the Qur'anic interpretations is a proof of the fact that the Qur'an is a technical, precise, timeless and superhuman word, with a coherent and unique texture. One of the goals of a text, especially in its literary type, is to influence the audience, therefore the creator uses various methods, including illustration, to achieve this influence. In the field of illustration, descriptions and drawings are such that they touch the realities beyond the text; therefore, the more accurate the depiction of a text is, the more and more strongly the reader or listener is affected. One of the basic, complex and famous concepts in the Holy Qur'an is the concept of polytheism and its examples are more difficult to understand than similar concepts and it is considered a pole around which other related concepts revolve so that God Almighty considers the concept of polytheism in the Qur'an as the greatest And expresses the worst kind of oppression (that polytheism is great oppression) (Loghman 13). The purpose of the artistic image in the Holy Qur'an is to make a human being intellectually, intellectually, emotionally and behaviorally, and the variety of its functions is also to fulfill this religious purpose.In the expressive art of the Holy Quran, the goal is to stimulate the audience to the two powers of reason and emotion. In the psychological function, the Qur'anic image is not only enough to affect the mind, but balances the human soul through the stimulation of emotions. Therefore, creating a balance Spirituality in human existence is the goal of the psychological function of the Qur'anic image. In addition to building the human psyche, it also pays attention to the balanced relationship between the self and society. In the rational function, the Qur'anic image also focuses on the formation of the human mind by insisting on the contemplation of tangible scenes. And relying on the observation of sensations as a tool of religious knowledge and then emphasizing the principle of the cause or some rational reasons with polemical approaches such as debate and the law of equality. The religious function is the basis of all the functions of the Quranic images. It was done to make a person familiar with his creator and his names, attributes, actions and effects of his power, and this leads to intellectual and ideological works and to the correct human behavior and finally to the aesthetic concept in Muslim education. The purpose of this study is to investigate the artistic images related to the concept of polytheism in Surah Hajj of the Holy Quran and its elements based on the theory of Sayyid Qutb, focusing on independent extraction of the functions of these images based on the view of Abdul Salam Ahmad Al-Ragheb. In his book, Seyyed Qutb paid attention to the artistic aspects and appearances of artistic images, but did not pay attention to the functions of the images. In this article, we have taken into consideration the point of view of Seyyed Qutb, who divided the elements of the artistic image to extract the elements of artistic images, and the view of Abdulsalam Ahmed Al-Raghib to extract the functions of images related to this concept. The views of Ragheb and Seyyed Qutb are complementary. are and overlap with each
