
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


General policies in any country act as a guiding light indicating the path to progress. In Iran, 41 general policies have been formulated and announced from the year 1377 until now. One of the vital among them is the general policies of the resistance economy. Achieving the goals of these policies is subject to precise and targeted planning. One of the crucial aspects of planning in the country is the five-year development plans. The Seventh Five-Year Development Plan for the years 1402-1406 has been approved while more than a decade has passed since the announcement of the general policies of the resistance economy. It is clear that the more crystallized the measures of the resistance economy in the Seventh Development Plan, the less the hope for reduction of Iran's economic challenges. In the second phase statement, the characteristics of an economy in balance with the revolutionary system have been specified. In the revolutionary system, a strong economy is not the goal but an important and effective means without which the goals of the revolutionary system cannot be achieved. A strong economy leads to internal satisfaction of the people and the impenetrability of the revolutionary system, and vice versa. Therefore, the question arises as to ‘What are the characteristics of an economy in balance statement for creating a revolutionary system?’ The second phase statement introduces an independent economy as part of the revolutionary system. To achieve this independent economy, the implementation of the policies of the resistance economy in the second phase statement has been proposed as a solution. Now the important question arises as to ‘Whether the Seventh Development Plan, in its economic dimensions, guarantees the implementation of the policies of the resistance economy to achieve an independent economy as a crucial and determining variable for creating a revolutionary system or not?’ The present study aims to answer this question by exploring the policies of the resistance economy and focusing on the 24 dimensions and chapters of the Seventh Development Plan. Based on the results, the Seventh Development Plan has covered 86% of the expectations of the general policies of the resistance economy and 14% of the points of the general policies of the resistance economy were not included in the Seventh Plan and were not addressed. 

اقتصاد در تراز بیانیه گام دوم به عنوان پیشنیار نظام انقلابی: واکاوی برنامه هفتم توسعه

در نظام انقلابی اقتصاد قوی هدف نیست اما وسیله مهم و موثری است که بدون آن نمی توان به اهداف نظام انقلابی رسید. یک اقتصاد قوی موجب رضایت داخلی مردم و نفوذناپذیری نظام انقلابی می گردد و برعکس. لذا سوالی که مطرح می شود این است که با چه الزامات اقتصادی برای تحقق نظام انقلابی مواجه هستیمبیانیه گام دوم، نظام اقتصادی در تراز نظام انقلابی را اقتصاد مستقل معرفی می کند. برای رسیدن به این اقتصاد مستقل، اجرایی شدن سیاستهای اقتصاد مقاومتی در بیانیه گام دوم به عنوان راه حل، مطرح شده است. حال این سوال مهم مطرح می شود که آیا برنامه هفتم توسعه در ابعاد اقتصادی تضمین کننده اجرایی شدن سیاستهای اقتصاد مقاومتی برای دستیابی به اقتصاد مستقل به عنوان یک متغیر مهم و تعیین کننده ایجاد نظام انقلابی هست یا خیر؟این مقاله تلاش می کند با استفاده از واکاوی در سیاستهای اقتصاد مقاومتی و توجه به ابعاد 24 گانه آن و فصول 24 گانه برنامه هفتم توسعه به این سوال پاسخ دهد.نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد برنامه هفتم توسعه تا 73% از انتظارات سیاستهای کلی اقتصاد مقاومتی را پوشش داده است و 27% از نکات سیاستهای کلی اقتصاد مقاومتی در برنامه هفتم جایی نداشته است و به آن پرداخته نگردیده است.
