
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


دولت اسلامی یکی از مراحل پنج گانه فرایند انقلاب اسلامی است. در بررسی های جامعه شناختی، دولت را متشکل از ساختار و کارگزار می دانند. فارغ از اختلاف نظرها در باب ساختار و کارگزار، آنچه مسلم است، بخشی از وظایف دولت بر عهده کار گزار هایی است که عهده دار مسئولیت های مختلف در بخش های یک نظام سیاسی هستند. در نظام سیاسی دولت در اسلام و به تبع آن نگاه به دولت در انقلاب اسلامی، کارگزار واجد ویژگی هایی است که در انتخاب، انتصاب، همچنین ارزیابی عملکرد می باید موردتوجه قرار گیرد. در این پژوهش تلاش شده است تا با بررسی مفهوم ولایت و اهمیت ولایتمداری در کارگزارهای دولت اسلامی، با تأکید بر ویژگی های کارگزار از دیدگاه امام خامنه ای (مدظله العالی)، به این سؤال پاسخ داده شود که «ماهیت کارگزار ولایی (ولایتمدار) دولت اسلامی در اندیشه امام خامنه ای (مدظله العالی) چیست؟» برای انجام این تحقیق از روش توصیفی تحلیلی با استناد بر بیانات امام خامنه ای (مدظله العالی) و برای گردآوری داده ها از ابزار فیش برداری از منابع استفاده شده است. یافته ها بر این نکته تأکید دارد که شاکله اصلی در نظام فکری تشیع، «ولایت» است. ولایت در اندیشه امام خامنه ای (مدظله العالی)، واجد سطوح سه گانه ارتباط قوی قلبی با ولی، همبستگی و پیوستگی میان مؤمنان و نفی ولایت دشمنان (طاغوت) است.          

The provincial (wilayi) agent in the Islamic government, emphasizing the viewpoint of Imam Khamenei (Importance, indicator, and course of action

Purpose: In the political system of the government in Islam and accordingly the view of the government in the Islamic revolution, the agent has characteristics that should be taken into consideration in the selection, appointment, as well as performance evaluation. In this research, an attempt has been made to answer the question that "the nature of the provincial (Wilayi) agent of the Islamic State in What is the thought of Imam Khamenei?". Methodology: To carry out this research, a descriptive and analytical method was used based on the statements of Imam Khamenei and to collect data, the tool of extracting sources was used. In this research, by collecting data through document sampling, first the concept of " Wilayat " in their political ideology has been explained, and then from it by examining and analyzing the data His Holiness regarding " provincial (Wilayi (agent" and the indicators and features related to the agents of the Islamic State, the indicators and features raised regarding the agents of the Islamic State that are related to the levels of the concerned Wilayat. They have been highlighted and the solutions for the implementation of the project have been discussed. Findings: The importance of wilayat include positive and negative aspects as follows: positive aspects: 1.Creating a deep heart connection with Wali. 2.The unity and solidarity of believers with each other. negative aspect: 1.Lack of communication and solidarity with enemies. These aspects have been examined in three areas: personal, social and political. Ther fore in creating a deep heart connection with the guardian in the personal sphere, the criterion of acceptance of actions, in the social sphere, the coherence and continuity of religion in Muslim societies, and in the political sphere, it follows the effort and struggle to realize the rule of divine justice. Also, in the solidarity and unity of the believers with each other in the social field, it will lead to the continuity of the communities to bring the burden of trust to the destination and in the political field, respect and authority. And finally, lack of communication and solidarity with the enemies in the individual field leads to dissimilarity to the infidels, and in the social field, it will result in the rejection of the ignorant (jahili) society and in the political field, it will follow the non-acceptance of the rule of the Taghut. In order to reach a wilayat-oriented agent in three aspects: insight, attitude and action (behavior), the following solutions have been presented: In deep heart connection with Wali 1-1. Constant remembrance and attention to God 1-2. piety 1-3. Anas with the Qur'an, supplications and appeals The unity and solidarity of believers with each other 2-1. being a people 2-2. Asceticism, simple living and avoiding aristocracy 2-3. justice 2-4. Honesty 2-5. sincerity 2-6. Humility and avoiding self-talk and pride 2-7. Jihadi service and taking care of the oppressed (Mostazafan) and deprived 2-8. Paying attention to and trusting young people and using their capacities Lack of communication and solidarity with enemies 3-1. Enmity and not neglecting the enemy 3-2. Lack of trust and influence from the enemy 3-3. Lack of passivity and planning and preparation to face the enemy 3-4. Great Jihad Conclusion: In the thought of Imam Khamenei, the Wilayat is presented on three levels; Longitudinal level of the Wilayat; The relationship with the guardian, which in this research using the verses of the Holy Quran, Longitudinal level of the Wilayat in addition to the deep heart connection with the Wilayat or Imam of the community as the beating heart of the Islamic society, which in the concept of Wilayat from the perspective of Imam Khamenei due to the necessity of his discussion in the formation of the Islamic society , it has been emphasized more, the Wilayat of Allah as the absolute Waly of the believers, the Wilayat of the Messenger of Allah, the Imams of Huda and the first ones have been discussed. Transverse surface; Continuity and solidarity between believers with each other and the level of negation or negation of the tyranny of the enemies (Taghut). By defining the concepts of velayat and examining the dual structure-agent and explaining the importance of the agent of the Islamic state from the perspective of Imam Khamenei, as well as examining the importance of the positive and negative aspects of the concept of velayat and their impact in three personal, social and political spheres, it was determined. Obviously, in order to be a wilayat-oriented agent, it is necessary to be familiar with the concept of province, and this will not be possible unless the agents have the indicators and characteristics related to different levels of province. Therefore, the relationship between the levels of the Wilayat and the indicators of the Islamic State was highlighted in the statements of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution.  
