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التواصل من أهم أشکال النظریات فی اللسانیات الحدیثه التی یعتبر رومان جاکبسون منظرا حقیقیا لها. فهو یعتقد بأن کل حدث لغوی مکون من سته عناصر، هی: المُرسِل، والمُرسَل إلیه والمُرسَله والقانون والمرجع والقناه. وحدد لکل عنصر ست وظائف فی إیصال الرساله: هی الوظیفه التعبیریه أو الانفعالیه، والوظیفه الإفهامیه، والوظیفه الشعریّه، والوظیفه الانتباهیه، والوظیفه المرجعیه، والوظیفه التعریفیه. ومن الأسالیب السردیه فی القرآن، السرد القصصی الذی یعتبر من أهم الأدوات فی إیصال رساله المتکلم إلى المتلقی. تحاول هذه الورقه البحثیه، عبر الاعتماد على منهج وصفی- تحلیلی، تطبیق الوظائف الست لنظریه التواصل عند جاکبسون فی قصه موسى والخضر علیهما السلام فی سوره الکهف. فکانت إشکالیه البحث دراسه مدى مطابقه نظریه التواصل للآیات القرآنیه ولا سیما فی الخطاب القرآنی ومدى تأثیر هذه النظریه فی نظره جدید للقرآن. تشیر النتائج إلى أن قصه موسى والخضر علیهما السلام تتمحور حول التعلیم والتعلم وکثیرا ما یتحقق هذا الأمر بالکلام المتبادل بین المعلم والمتعلم، ومن المتوقع أن تکون الوظیفه الإفهامیه أکثر من الوظائف الأخرى. فکل الأعمال التی قام بها الخضر لتعلیم موسى من خرق السفینه وقتل الغلام وإقامه الجدار تعتبر طریقه سلوکیه غیر کلامیه. والطریقه الترکیبیه بین الکلامیه والسلوکیه کانت أقل استعمالا فی آیات القصه، حیث تتجلى فی بنیه تعبیر موسى عن التعب والجوع الشدید إثر سفره الطویل. کما أنّ تطبیق نظریه التواصل على الآیات القرآنیه یعطینا تفسیرا جدیدا لها یتواکب مع مقتضیات العصر وینتهی إلى فهم جدید وعمیق.

The structure of the discourse in the story of Moses and Al-Khidr in Surah Al-Kahf; An analytical study in light of Jakobson’s communication theory

Communication is one of the most important theories of new linguistics, which was theorized by Roman Jakobson. He believes that every linguistic event consists of six elements, which are: Sender, receiver, message, code, context, communication channel. He has determined six functions for each element in transfering the message: emotive function that is related to the sender conative function that is related to the receiver poetique that function that related to the message itself, phatique function that is related to the communication channel, referentielle function that is related to the context of the message, metalinguistic function that is related to the interpretation of language. One of the types of narration in the Quran is storytelling, which is one of the most important means of conveying the message to the audience. The present research was carried out with descriptive-analytical method and with the aim of investigating the six functions of Jakobson's theory of communication in the story of Moses and Khidr  (PBUH) in Surah Al- Kahf . The research problem is to examine the degree of conformity of the communication theory with the verses; Especially the Quranic discourse and the effect of this theory in a new interpretation of the Holy Quran. The results indicate that the story of Moses and Al-Khidr (PBUT) revolves around the topic of education and learning, and this issue is mostly realized through two-way communication between the teacher and the learner. Therefore, it is expected that the persuasive function will be more prominent compared to other functions. All the actions that Al-Khidr (PBUH) used to teach Moses about piercing the ship and killing the teenage boy and building the wall are considered a non-verbal behavior style. The combined verbal-behavioural style has also had the least use in the verses of the story, which can be seen in the speech of Moses (PBUH) in expressing the extreme fatigue and hunger caused by his long night journey. As it is evident, the adaptation of the verses in this story based on the theory of communication brings us a new interpretation in accordance with the requirements of the time and leads to a new and deep and unprecedented understanding of them. Keywords: discourse, communication, Surah Al- Kahf, story of Moses and Al-Khidr, Roman Jakobson.   Extended Summary Introduction Communication is one of the most important theories of new linguistics, which was theorized by Roman Jakobson. He believes that every linguistic event consists of six elements, which are: sender, receiver, message, code, context, communication channel. He has determined six functions for each element in transfering the message: emotivethat function that is related to the sender, conative function that is related to the receiver poetiquethat function that related to the message itself, phatique function that is related to the communication channel, referentielle functionthat is related to the context of the message, metalinguistique function that is related to the interpretation of language. Many teachings of the Quran are done through literary techniques. One of the types of narration in the Qur'an is storytelling, which is one of the most important means of transfering the message to the audience. Therefore, it is necessary to use new linguistic theories in order to provide a new and deep interpretation of these verses. One of the surahs of the Quran that has various styles of storytelling is Surah Al- Kahf. Materials & Methods The current research was conducted with the aim of investigating the six functions of Jakobson's theory of communication in the story of Moses and Al-Khidr (PBUT) in Surah Al- Kahf. The method used is descriptive-analytical. In this method, the researcher tries to collect a large amount of information, hypotheses and variables, then explores the relationships between them and uses appropriate analytical tools that lead him to logical results in the field of scientific research.The research problem is to examine the degree of conformity of the communication theory with the verses; Especially the Quranic discourse and the effect of this theory in a new interpretation of the Holy Quran. In order to achieve this, the current research seeks to find a suitable answer to the following questions: To what extent can the theory of language communication be applied to the Qur'anic verses, especially in the Qur'anic address in Surah Al- Kahf? To what extent can this theory be effective in presenting a new interpretation of the Holy Quran? Research findings The story of Moses begins with the daughter of Yoshua ben Nun, the letter (Behold) at the beginning of verse 60: (Behold, Moses said to his attendant) It indicates that God reminds the prophet of this story, so the story has started with a function conative. Verse 61:( But when they reached the Junction, they forgot (about) their Fish, which took its course through the sea (straight) as in a tunnel) It has a function referentielle; Because the words used in it have an external example, for example, the word (Junction) indicates the (junction of the two seas),which was the meeting place of Moses and Al-Khidr (PBUT) and the same is the case with the word (Fish) which has meta-linguistic and mental examples. In verse 63:(Sawest thou (what happened) when we betook ourselves to the rock? I did indeed forget (about) the Fish) The verb (Sawest) has a function function poetique that; Because this verb is used in its non-positional sense which in many cases means (giving news). Verse 64: (That was what we were seeking after) It has an function phatique, as Moses instructs his youth that releasing the shark is a sign of achieving the goal. Discussion of Results & Conclusion  The results indicate that the story of Moses and Al-Khidr (PBUT) revolves around the topic of education and learning, and this issue is mostly realized through two-way communication between the teacher and the learner. Therefore, it is expected that the persuasive function will be more prominent compared to other functions. All the actions that Al-Khidr (PBUH) used to teach Moses about piercing the ship and killing the teenage boy and building the wall are considered a non-verbal behavior style.The combined verbal-behavioural style has also had the least use in the verses of the story, which can be seen in the speech of Moses (PBUH) in expressing the extreme fatigue and hunger caused by his long night journey. As it is evident, the adaptation of the verses in this story based on the theory of communication brings us a new interpretation in accordance with the requirements of the time and leads to a new and deep and unprecedented understanding of them.
