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شهدت ریاده الأعمال فی مختلف المجالات العلمیّه نموّاً کبیراً فی العالم . وتعتبر ریاده الأعمال والتسویق الهدف الأساسیّ فی مجالات العلوم المختلفه، ویضمن دیمومه هذا المجال تحویله الدینامیکیّ للمجتمع المتلقّی وریاده الأعمال فی مجال العلاج الطبیعیّ والصحّه، والاهتمام بکلّ زوایاها المجهوله والمهمّشه أحیاناً. فهی علی مستوی اللُّغه العربیّه وآدابها، تحتلّ مکانه ذات أهمّیه. وهی  بخلاف ما یعتقد الرأی العامّ  الذی یعتبرها مقصورهً على بعض المهن المحدّده وتعتمد من قبل مؤسّسات معیّنه، یمکنها تحدید مسارات ووجهات نظر جدیده ربّما لاینتبّه لها الآخرون، ولا یُعیرون اهتماماً لما یجری فیها من تزویر وتغییر. ولکن هذه القضیّه لا تعتبر الحلّ المطلق لکلّ القضایا. وبطبیعه الحال، لا تخلو من العقبات. حاول هذا البحث التعرّف إلی المعوّقات  والتحدّیات الّتی تواجه ریاده الأعمال فی مجال العلاج الطبیعیّ لخرّیجی اللُّغه العربیّه وآدابها باستخدام المنهج الوصفیّ التحلیلیّ وتعزیزه  بمصادر المکتبات إذ تبیّن نتائج الدّراسه أنّ تحسین المرافق العامّه، سیکون له تأثیر إیجابیّ فی استقطاب المزید من السُّیّاح فی القطاع الصحّی ممّا یتطلّب تحرّکاً وتفاعلاً متناغماً ومسؤولاً. وعلیه فإنّ لخرّیجی اللُّغه العربیّه دوراً محوریّاً فی هذا المجال، إذ ینبغی لهم التعرّف إلی ثقافه شعوب الدول الأُخری الّتی  تسهم فی کثره عدد السُّیّاح، فضلاً عن عدم الاقتصار علی مایرونه وعلی ما یُوکل إلیهم من الأمور. علیهم خلق أفکار جدیده تناسب واقع الحال کلّ حین لتمکّنهم من تلبیه احتیاجات السُّیّاح، إضافهً إلی ترجمه بعض المصنّفات الصحّیه والطبّیّه، لأنّ توافر الموارد العلمیّه والحدیثه یوجب رغبه السُّیّاح وإقبالهم. فی هذا الصدد، یُقترح زیاده الدراسات الهادفه منها لاکتشاف الإمکانیّات الطبیعیّه والمحلیّه وإیجاد أفکار ریادیّه، وورشات تعلیمیّه یمکن تطبیقها بواسطه خرّیجی اللُّغه العربیّه وآدابها وتخصّصات أخرى.

Pathology of Entrepreneurship in Nature Therapy for Graduates of Arabic Language and Literature

In the contemporary world, entrepreneurship in various scientific fields has witnessed considerable growth. Entrepreneurship and commercialization, as the fundamental and ultimate goal in every branch of science, guarantee the survival of that domain and orientation, offering transformation and dynamism to the target community. Entrepreneurship in the field of nature therapy and health care, for the discipline of Arabic language and literature, based on attention to its unknown, and perhaps sometimes overlooked and neglected aspects, is one of the pivotal and precise points that, contrary to the general public's perception of it being limited to certain specific occupations and institutions, can define new and novel paths, routes, and horizons that others may have overlooked or indifferently passed by. However, this does not imply an absolute solution to problems but rather naturally entails obstacles and challenges. The present research, employing a descriptive-analytical method and drawing upon library resources, investigates the pathology of entrepreneurship in nature therapy for graduates of Arabic language and literature. The research findings indicate that purposeful planning with awareness of capacities and limitations, reforming, simplifying, and adapting the rules for employing competent and knowledgeable human resources who, in addition to language proficiency, are familiar with the cultural and social customs of other nations, as well as translating sources in the health care domain as an essential need for health tourists. Organizing educational and skill-building workshops to raise awareness and cultivate a culture of entrepreneurship, and forming. Collaborative teams are among the solutions that should be implemented wisely and scholarly with the consultation and cooperation of experts and specialists.    Introduction Knowledge, science, economics, industry, entrepreneurship, and employment convey a network of meanings in a continuous chain that leads to social, cultural, and other forms of human development. Therefore, attention to the structures of scientific presentation, teaching skills, and the application of theoretical knowledge in attracting science specialists is vital and should be considered by all those involved in teaching Arabic language and literature graduates who aim to enter the entrepreneurial job market. Consequently, this leads to enhanced life expectancy, well-being, and peaceful coexistence. Given this context, recognizing individual, local, and national capabilities and identifying weaknesses and challenges can alleviate many obstacles facing entrepreneurs in this field. Materials and Methods This research employs a descriptive and analytical approach, utilizing written sources to examine the weaknesses and existing barriers in the field of nature therapy. The study aims to create job opportunities for Arabic language graduates and explore investment potential in natural capabilities for prevention, treatment, and health. It focuses on the necessity of Addressing issues in planning and expansion, with an emphasis on marketing. Research Findings Arabic language graduates play a pivotal role in production and employment as they are a fundamental element in this field. They must familiarize themselves with the cultures of other countries, which contributes to attracting a large number of tourists and mitigating the absence of visitors. Their role should not be limited to what they observe and the tasks assigned to them. In addition to translating health and medical literature, they should generate novel and innovative ideas that adapt to the constantly changing reality of conditions to meet tourists' needs, as the availability of scientific and modern resources is contingent upon tourists' inclination and demand. In this regard, it is suggested that studies be increased, particularly in discovering natural and indigenous capabilities and creating pioneering ideas and educational workshops that can be implemented by graduates of Arabic language and literature and other related disciplines.   Discussion of Results Lack of necessary guidelines in the field of natural leadership programs, which could be designed and developed in collaboration with Arabic language graduates, especially those with experience in therapy. Insufficient investment in the nature therapy sector due to a lack of awareness about the advantages and capabilities of regions. Absence of civic behavior and cultural norms in the regions. Weak advertising and marketing due to poor knowledge levels, lack of awareness in Arabic translation and conversation, unfamiliarity with marketing policies in the target language, and sometimes low remuneration. Services do not improve based on standards, where understanding the communication culture of Arabic-speaking tourists would be highly effective. Shortage of specialized personnel in the field of medical tourism; utilizing specialized teams proficient in the target language would have a significant impact on attracting tourists. Introduction of ineffective regulations and the use of ambiguous terms in the target language, which can be rectified through training for graduates. Seasonal nature of some jobs leading to the employment of Arabic language graduates only during specific periods, which can be addressed through measures such as employee exchanges and alternative positions within the same group. This research analyzes the entrepreneurial challenges faced by Arabic language and literature graduates in the field of nature therapy. The results indicate that providing and improving facilities and implementing intelligent strategies will have a positive impact on attracting more health tourists, requiring coordinated and responsible action and interaction.
