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الواقعیّه السحریّه هی منهج جدید لکتابه الروایات المعاصره، حیث یتشابک الواقع والخیال بطریقه تبدو فیها کل الأحداث غیر الواقعیّه والخیالیه  فی سیاق الروایه حقیقیه وطبیعیه تماماً. وقد ظهر هذا الاتجاه فی روایات بعض الکتّاب العرب ومنهم الکاتب الجزائری الشهیر، الطاهر وطار. وفی روایه «الولی الطاهر یعود إلی مقامه الزکی»، نواجه جهود الکاتب فی الاتکاء علی بناء سردی حدیث وتوظیف الحلم کحیله فنیه تعطیه الفرصه لإبراز ما کان کامناً فی باطنه. یهدف هذا البحث إلى وصف الفضاء السردی ودراسه التقنیات السردیه علی أساس الواقعیّه السحریّه، ونظراً إلى أن هذه الروایه هی الخطوه الأولى للکاتب فی توظیف هذا النوع الأدبی، یبدو من الضروری إجراء بحث من أجل تطبیق الواقعیّه السحریّه علیها. وقد اعتمدنا فی هذه الدراسه علی منهج النقد الاجتماعی بطریقه وصفیه- تحلیلیه. وتدّل النتائج  علی أنّ الروائی  وفّر بهذه التقنیه  فضاءً للتعبیر عن واقع المجتمع الإسلامی ومشاکل المجتمع الجزائری وعبّر عن رؤیته النقدیه. وقد بنی روایته علی أساس فضاء اللاوعی، کما نشاهد تشتتاً فی الفترات الزمنیّه المختلفه، إذ جعل الروائی الماضی مسرحاً للأحداث التاریخیه التی تشکل خلفیه للانفعالات النفسیه فی الحاضر، فقد لجأ الروائی إلی التاریخ ووضع الشخصیات التاریخیه فی قوالب أسطوریه واستفاد من قضیه قتل مالک بن نویره علی ید خالد بن الولید بمنزله رمز وهدام القواعد الزمانیه والمکانیه وعرض حبکه الروایه بشکل لولبی لتنکیر التکفیر وتقبیح العنف طوال التاریخ.

Manifestations of magical realism in the novel"Al wali Attaher returnes to his pure shrine" by TaherWattar (Study of place, time and characters)

Magical realism is a new approach to writing contemporary novels in which reality and fantasy are intertwined in such a way that all unreal and imaginary events in the context of the novel appear completely real and natural. This trend appeared in the novels of some Arab writers, including the famous Algerian writer, Al-Tahir Wattar. In the novel “The Pure Guardian Returns to His Pure Place,” we encounter the writer’s efforts to rely on a modern narrative structure and use the dream as an artistic trick that allows him to highlight what was hidden in his existence. This research was done with the aim of describing the story space and analyzing narrative techniques based on magical realism. Given that this novel seems to be the writer's first step in using this literary genre, it seems necessary to research how to apply magical realism to this novel. In this study, we relied on the application of magical realism in light of the social criticism approach descriptively and analytically. The results indicate that the novelist provided, with this approach, a space to express the reality of Islamic society and the problems of Algerian society, and expressed his critical vision. He built his novel based on the space of the subconscious, and we see a dispersion in the different periods. The novelist made the past a stage for historical events that form a background for the psychological emotions in the present. The novelist resorted to history and placed historical figures in legendary molds, and he benefited from the case of the killing of Malik bin Nuwayra at the hands of Khalid bin Al-Walid as a symbol of the collapse of temporal and spatial rules, and the presentation of the novel’s plot in a spiral manner to deny atonement and the ugliness of violence throughout history.   Extended Summary Introduction Magical realism is a contemporary literary style that blends reality with imagination, creating a unique and wondrous narrative space for the reader. It is characterized by the integration of strange, miraculous, and magical events within the framework of tangible realities. Critics view it as a means of exploring the self and the past. As such, magical realism serves as a novel method for addressing social, political, and cultural issues, aiming to convey deeper truths about reality. Among all literary forms, the novel is particularly influenced by societal conditions and effectively mirrors social, political, and cultural structures. One of the most renowned writers in Arabic and Algerian literature is Al-Taher Wattar. He belongs to a generation of militant and revolutionary Algerian authors. In his novel “Al wali Attaher Returns to His Pure Shrine,” Wattar employs a modern narrative structure and uses dreams as an artistic device to reveal hidden aspects of his characters. This research seeks to analyze the narrative space and techniques in the novel through the lens of magical realism. Since this novel marks Wattar's initial foray into this literary genre, studying its application of magical realism is essential. Materials & Methods Studying literary works and understanding their authors is a fundamental aspect of literary criticism. This also applies to the exploration of the magical realism trend, as such an inquiry allows us to uncover the essence of novels and delve into the world of the novelist, their ideas, and their literary output. In the realm of magical realism, novelists often turn to imagination and dreams to escape the constraints of reality, thereby realizing their aspirations and visions. Within the world of imagination, the barriers of the real world no longer exist, enabling the novelist to craft their universe as they see fit. The significance of this research lies in its examination of contemporary critical and intellectual doctrines, facilitating an understanding of the contemplative connections between different literatures. This is particularly relevant to this novel, where we can identify common themes such as infidelity in Islamic countries, its repudiation, popular revolution, and the struggle against colonialism within the context of Islamic culture. This research aims to elucidate the narrative space filled with oddities and wonders in the novel, based on the principles of magical realism. We will analyze three narrative elements—place, time, and character—using a descriptive and analytical approach. Through this method, we aim to explain the novel’s plot and its narrative techniques. Research findings In this novel, Wattar successfully blends elements of reality and imagination through the use of magical realism, effectively conveying his critical perspective on political and social issues. The narrative space in the novel is abstract, characterized by the lack of specific geographical dimensions when mentioning places. Wattar constructs his novel on the foundation of the subconscious, closely linking various time periods with the present reality. He uses historical roles and facts as symbols for contemporary events. In developing the characters, Wattar relies on a foundation that intertwines the spiral structure of narrative and subconscious spaces, creating a unique and compelling literary work. Discussion & Conclusion      In this novel, Wattar skillfully employs magical realism by incorporating dreams, visionary worlds, and historical figures, allowing him to express his innermost thoughts without the burden of direct responsibility for them. The depiction of place in the novel is abstract, with geographical space reduced to three key points—Maqam, Zaytouna, and Al-Fayf—whose dimensions lose their geographical significance and become symbolic.      The narrative intertwines various time periods with the present reality, using historical roles and facts to symbolize current events. The imaginary chronological sequence emphasizes the protagonist's emotional and psychological reactions in the present moment.      The characters embody elements of magical realism, particularly Al wali Attaher, who exists across all times and places, representing the memory of Islamic history up to the present. Ballara, another central character, is depicted in a magical light, her nature ambiguous—she could be human or fairy, symbolizing peace, unity, lost identity, or strife. Historical figures such as Malik bin Nuwayra and Umm Tammam are portrayed as legendary, infused with magical and miraculous elements. Through these characters, Wattar encourages readers to reexamine history critically and to question the veracity of accepted narratives. In conclusion, Wattar’s novel demonstrates how magical realism can be used to navigate and critique political and social issues. By blending reality with imagination and historical symbolism, he creates a rich, layered narrative that challenges readers to rethink their perceptions of history and reality.
