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تمدن ها مبتنی بر پایه های فکری و فهم های مشترک شکل می گیرند. ایرانیان برای آنکه بتوانند به سمت تمدن نوین اسلامی خود حرکت کنند باید بتوانند در فهم معنای تاریخ به وحدت برسند. یکی از مهم ترین پایه های معنای تاریخ، روایتِ تاریخِ تمدن بشر است. ادیان ابراهیمی در کتب مقدس و تاریخی خویش، تاریخ را بر اساس هبوط حضرت آدم و حوا و بعثت پیامبران روایت می نمودند؛ جهان غرب نیز در طول قرون وسطی ذیل همین سنتِ تاریخ نگاری قرار داشت اما به تدریج روایتِ دیگری از تاریخ به وجود آمد که رویکردی سکولار داشت. در این روایت، آغاز تمدن (با الهام از داروینیسم) از وضعیت توحش – حیوانی آغاز می گردد و تاریخ بر اساس تحول ابزار در سیری خطی روایت می گردد. این دو رویکرد در غرب، مدتی با هم در حال منازعه بودند. پرسش اصلی پژوهش حاضر آن است که پس ازاین تحولات، «جریان اصلی تاریخ نگاری در غرب معاصر چیست؟» هدف پژوهش، فهم جریان اصلی تاریخ نگاری تمدن بشر در غرب معاصر است. مقالة حاضر گزارشی است از پژوهشی تفصیلی، در این تحقیق برای فهم جریان اصلی کتب تاریخ نگاری، چند شاخص مهم از سوی کارشناسان ارائه شد. محتوای موضوعاتی که شاخص معرفی نموده بود تحلیل مضمونی شد و سرانجام تحلیل به دست آمده گزارش شد. یافته های پژوهش این که، جریان اصلیِ کتب تاریخ نگاری معاصر غربی، تاریخ نگاری سکولار و ادغام شده با داروینیسم است و روایت دینی از تاریخ مبتنی بر تاریخ انبیاء در آن جایی ندارد

The main stream of contemporary Western historiography based on its relationship with religious and secular historiography

Purpose: Civilizations are formed based on intellectual foundations and common understandings. The common meaning of fundamental areas such as God, man, nature and history. One of the most important foundations of the meaning of history is the narration of the history of human civilization. In their sacred and historical books, Abrahamic religions narrated history based on the descent of Adam and Eve and the sending of prophets. During the Middle Ages, the Western world was also under the same tradition of historiography, But gradually another narrative of history emerged that had a secular approach. In this narrative, the beginning of civilization (inspired by Darwinism) starts from the animal-savage state, and history is narrated based on the evolution of tools in a linear sequence. These two approaches were in conflict in the West for some time. The main question of the current research is that after these developments, "What is the main current of historiography in the contemporary West?" Methodology: This article is a report of a detailed research, in this research, some important indicators were presented by experts to understand the main stream of historiography books. The content of the topics introduced by the index was thematically analyzed and finally the obtained analysis was reported . Findings: The main stream of contemporary western historiography is secular historiography and integrated with Darwinism, and there is no place for a religious narrative of history based on the history of the prophets. The analysis of historiography books led to the finding that in the contemporary Western historiography, the secular approach has complete dominance and religious approaches, especially at the beginning of creation, are strongly rejected, so that today we can talk about the death of religious historiography in the Western world. This finding is important for the community of civilization studies because it has documented the atmosphere that dominates Western thought and the confrontation between the two religious and secular worlds in the arena of history . Conclusion: Moving towards a new Islamic civilization requires fundamental knowledge bases, no civilization throughout history has lacked theoretical foundations in fields such as existence and theology, anthropology, natural science, epistemology, etc. One of the most important intellectual foundations that has played an important role in the realization of civilizations is "historiography", understanding and narrating the history of mankind and believing or not believing in the theory of progress plays an important role in building the meanings and epistemic foundations of any civilization. On the other hand, the realization of the new Islamic civilization depends on the common understanding of fundamental concepts among Muslims, an understanding that must be clearly distinguished from other understandings, especially from the Western understanding. It is suggested that scientific centers, by defining similar researches in the field of historiography method and philosophy of history, provide a clearer and more documented picture of the historiography situation in the contemporary world to historians and those interested in the field of historiography and civilization studies .
