العنف وتمظهراته فی روایه "بیروت بیروت" لصنع اللّه إبراهیم (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
ما من مجتمع یتأثر أبناؤه بالعنف بمختلف أشکاله، وهو ظاهره اجتماعیه متفشیه فی کل المجتمعات بمختلف أشکاله وقد بدأ مع بدایه الحیاه البشریه وله درجات وأنماط مختلفه. وقد شکل ماده أساسیه لمعظم الأدباء الذین تناولوه بمختلف أنواعه فی أعمالهم الأدبیه وخاصه فی مجال الروایه وذلک فی إطار تناول شخصیات ملتبسه تعانی تمزقها وغربتها وتعکس هویه ممزجه بهواجس الموت والحرمان والویل والدمار. تعتبر "بیروت بیروت" من الروایات التاریخیه التی تعالج تاریخاً واقعیاً من معاناه اللبنانیین فی فتره الحرب الأهلیه. إذ شهدت لبنان حرباً أهلیه بین عامی 1975-1990، فشاعت ظاهره العنف الذی حصد أرواح آلاف اللبنانیین وفقدت مدینه بیروت بسبب هذه الحرب هدوءها وأمنها ودفئها، لتصبح فضاء لممارسه العنف بجمیع أشکاله.فهی تتناول حقبه تاریخیه مهمه مرّ بها لبنان، إضافه إلی الکشف عن الواقع اللبنانی المعیش فی تلک الفتره العصیبه. تهدف المقاله إلی دراسه أنواع العنف وتمظهراته ونوعیه عرضه فی روایه «بیروت بیروت»، لرؤیه مدی تأثیره علی هذه الروایه، اعتماداً علی المنهج الوصفی- التحلیلی. یحکی قسم من النتائج أن أشکال العنف فیها تتنوع بین السیاسی والاجتماعی والاقتصادی ویستخدم الکاتب التقنیات الأدبیه لتسلیط الضوء علی العنف، من خلال استخدام وسائل الإعلام کالصحف والمذیاع، والسینما. ویسعى من خلالها إلى تصویر واقع الشعب اللبنانی الذی کان یعیش تحت وطأه العنف والحروب المستمره، تعبیراً عن غربه مدینه بیروت ومأساه من یعیشون فیها، طالما أن هذه الروایه تستمدّ قوتها من أزمه العنف السائد فی هذا البلد وکشف الغطاء عما تمارسه السلطه من قهر وقمع وتعذیب فی حقوق أبنائه.Violence and the Techniques of its Manifestation in the Novel "Beirut Beirut" by Sanalla Ibrahim
The relationship between war and violence is tight; So that no war is free of violence and it is almost one of its types that societies or individuals use against each other. Violence with its different types is considered a widespread social phenomenon in all societies that has been started at the same time as the beginning of human life, and there is no society whose members are not affected by all types of violence. It is a common social phenomenon in different societies with its different types, which started with the beginning of human life and has different amounts and types, and it forms the main material of most literatures, which includes its types in their literary works, especially in the field of novels and in the research framework evaluated unknown characters who suffer from separation and alienation and reflects the identity mixed with the concerns of death, deprivation, destruction and killing. Beirut Beirut is one of the historical novels that deals with the realistic history of the Lebanese internal war and the suffering of its people; Because during the years 1975 to 1990, it witnessed an internal war and the phenomenon of violence spread and took the lives of thousands of Lebanese, and Beirut lost its peace, security and warmth with this war to become a space for all kinds of violence.
A Summary of Research
The novel "Beirut Beirut" includes an important history of Lebanon's past, and in addition, it reveals the reality of Lebanon during that difficult period. This article aims to investigate the types of violence and how it is depicted in the novel "Beirut Beirut", in order to investigate the impact of violence in this novel. Considering the forms of violence and through literary techniques such as the use of media such as newspaper, radio and cinema, the author clarifies its types in the novel and through these techniques, he seeks to portray the reality of the Lebanese people who are under the burden and they lived in continuous violence and wars, in line with expressing the loneliness of the city of Beirut and the tragedy of those who live in it; Because this novel does its best from the crisis of common violence in this city and uncovering the oppression, oppression and torture against its people.
Research Method
The working method in this research is descriptive-analytical.
Achievement & Analysis
The cinematographic techniques in this novel have been used precisely and properly by the author and the author has been able to show a historical movie for the reader by using close and far sequences, montage, etc. and by attracting his deep attention regarding the historical events, the events of the internal war and its unfortunate consequences, in the best way, it has used narrative forms in the service of the theme and has been mostly successful.
As certified by this writing, history has played a significant role in the novel Beirut Beirut, and historical events have imposed a special style on the author of the novel, in order to express historical events in a way that fits the historical structure of the novel. In fact, this novel is a mirror of the entire reality of the historical period in which the Lebanese citizen lives. The author has managed to depict all the details in it.
Violence occupies a large part of the space of the novel and its types such as physical, political, economic, verbal, social and religious are abundantly seen in this novel. Meanwhile, the media has played a significant role in helping innocent people, saving their lives and keeping them away from all kinds of danger, conflict and violence.