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الغرض من هذه الدراسه هو تقدیم نموذج لتنمیه الموارد البشریه المعرفیه مع نهج لتبادل المعرفه الإسلامیه فی معهد العلوم الإنسانیه والدراسات الثقافیه. هذا البحث تطویری تطبیقی من حیث الغرض ووصفی - استکشافی من حیث طبیعه المنهج. تم استخدام أدوات المقابله لجمع البیانات النوعیه واستخدمت إستراتیجیه النظریه المتجذره مع نهج شتراوس وکوربین لتقدیم هذا النموذج. کان المشارکون فی هذه الدراسه من مدیری ومسؤولی معهد العلوم الإنسانیه والدراسات الثقافیه ممن هم على درایه بمفاهیم تنمیه الموارد البشریه المعرفیه والمعرفه الإسلامیه فی المؤسسه. بناءً على نتائج الترمیز المفتوح والمرکزی، وبالنظر إلى تنمیه الموارد البشریه المعرفیه مع نهج التبادل المعرفی الإسلامی کظاهره مرکزیه، فإن مقولات التغییر التنظیمی، والتغیر البیئی، ودینامیکیات التکنولوجیا والتغیرات فی مناهج الموارد البشریه، تقع فی فئه العوامل السببیه لتنمیه الموارد البشریه المعرفیه بمنهج تبادل المعرفه الإسلامیه. کما أن مقولات الهیکل التنظیمی المرن، والبنیه التحتیه للتقنیات الجدیده، والثقافه التنظیمیه الإسلامیه، والعلاقات التنظیمیه الحلقیه، وکفاءات العاملین فی مجال المعرفه، کانت من بین عوامل الخلفیه. مقولات تحدیات العملیه فی المنظمه، والتحدیات الهیکلیه فی المنظمه، وتحدیات الملکیه القانونیه وتحدیات تقییم أداء العاملین فی مجال المعرفه هی العوامل المتدخله. من ناحیه أخرى، فإن مقولات استقطاب موظفی المعرفه، وتدریب موظفی المعرفه، وتقییم أداء موظفی المعرفه، وتعویضات خدمه موظفی المعرفه، والمسار الوظیفی لموظفی المعرفه، وتطویر قنوات التواصل، تشکل استراتیجیات النموذج. مقولات التنمیه المستدامه لموظفی المعرفه،  وتطویر المشارکه فی تنظیم وتطویر إنتاجیه موظفی المعرفه هی نتائج تطویر الموارد البشریه المعرفیه مع نهج التبادل المعرفی الإسلامی.

Designing a model for developing human knowledge resources with an Islamic knowledge exchange approach Case Study: Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies

Today, the importance of investing in human resource development to increase the quality of human capital and create a sustainable competitive advantage is increasing day by day. The concept of human resource development has a distinct place in theories of organizational behavior, human resource management and strategic management. On the other hand, the focus on knowledge staff has provided the foundation for the creation of knowledge-based organizations in recent years. This new class of employees, described as golden-collar workers, epistemologists, or intellectual workers, has begun to be a dynamic replacement for other employees. With the increasing need for knowledge workers resulting from widespread changes in the economic, social and technological fields and the transition from the industrial age to the information age, the battle for talent has become a vital issue. With the rapid development of the economy, knowledge and technology have increasingly become the main factors of companies' competitiveness, meaning that knowledge employees have gained an important position and the level of competition of companies often depends on the quantity and quality of their knowledge employees. Knowledge staffs have high overall quality and outstanding personal abilities. Knowledge employees can be defined through their activities that focus on thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and networking. Through an extensive review of the knowledge management literature, Reinhart et al. have identified a list of knowledge staff activities including analysis and monitoring, data collection, learning, and networking. The comprehensive development of human resources in the present age requires the provision of opportunities to acquire knowledge. Knowledge in the true sense of the word is a set of human skills and abilities that are accompanied by knowledge and information of better production methods. The application of such an understanding of knowledge has become very widespread in industries, and the tourism industry in particular seeks to properly and timely use of its knowledge forces. Knowledge human resource development is a new approach in human resource management that designs and implements the main activities of human resource management based on improving and developing the knowledge of the organization. In other words, the development and management of knowledge human resources includes those activities that are purposefully designed to promote knowledge processes in the organization. According to this approach, every human resource management activity focuses on the development and promotion of organizational knowledge. Knowledge exchange in organizations is considered as a very effective factor in achieving organizational goals. The development of knowledge human resources with a knowledge exchange approach is the basis for the integration of information systems, which begins with full integration, ie the integration of systems. The purpose of this study is to design a model for the development of knowledge human resources with an approach to the exchange of Islamic knowledge in the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies. The present research is developmental-applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-exploratory in terms of the nature of the method. Interview tools were used to collect qualitative data. To design this model, grounded theory strategy with Strauss-Corbin approach was used. Participants in this study include managers and officials of the Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies who were familiar with the concepts of knowledge human resource development, knowledge exchange and Islamic knowledge in the organization. Based on the results of open and centralized coding in grounded theory strategy, the categories of organizational change, environmental change, technology dynamics and changes in human resource approaches were placed in the category of causal factors of knowledge human resource development with Islamic knowledge exchange approach. Also, the categories of flexible organizational structure, infrastructure of new technologies, Islamic organizational culture, ring organizational communication, competencies of knowledge workers, were among the background factors. On the other hand, the categories of knowledge staff recruitment, knowledge staff training, knowledge staff performance evaluation, knowledge staff service compensation, knowledge staff career path and communication channel development, constitute model strategies. The categories of sustainable development of knowledge workers, development of participation in the organization and development of productivity of knowledge workers are the consequences of the development of knowledge human resources with the approach of Islamic knowledge exchange.
