
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


حینما نتطرّق إلى ذکر البحار فی نصوصنا النثریّه، غالبا ما نقصد بها تلک المیاه الحقیقیّه ذات اللون الأزرق والشدیده الملوحه التی تسیر فیها السفن، وتسبح فیها الأسماک، وتغور فی قعرها الحیتان. ولکن عندما یذکر الشاعر البحار فی قصائده، ربّما لا یستخدمها بمعناها الحقیقیّ، وقد وجدنا أن الشاعر شهاب الدین الحویزی استخدمها بمعناها المجازی، وکموتیف استدعاه فی معظم قصائده، والذی یستلزم بحثا لکشف هذه المعانی المخبّأه فی خبایا أبیاته. وقد انتهجنا التوصیف والتحلیل فی دراستنا، حیث جئنا بالأبیات التی یتطرّق الشاعر فیها إلى البحار، فشرحنا غایته من ذکرها. ووصلنا إلى أنّ موتیف البحر أضفى على الأبیات جمالاً لدى المتلقّی، فعندما نسمع لفظه، یستحضرنا جمال طبیعته، ورمال شواطئه، ونوارسه، وسفنه...وهذه تمنح الروح بعض الهدوء والراحه. وظّف شهاب الدین الطباق والکنایه والمجاز فی استخدامه للبحار؛ فهو تاره یصف ملوک المشعشعیّین الذین مدحهم بأنّهم بحور یُظهرون دررهم للفقراء، وهذا عکس ما تفعله البحار الحقیقیّه التی تُخبّئ دررها فی قعرها. وتاره أخرى یهدی الذین یبحثون عن الخیر فی لجج البحار أن یتوجّهوا إلى کرمه.

The Sea Motif in the Diwan of Shehab Al-Din Al-Howizi

When we refer to the seas in our prose texts, we often mean the real blue and salty waters in which ships travel, fish swim in, and whales sink to the bottom. But when the poet mentions it in his poems, he may not use it in its true meaning, and I found that the poet Shehab al-Din al-Howizi used it in its figurative sense, and motif called it in most of his poems, which requires a search to reveal these hidden meanings in the lines of his verses. The necessity of this research appears to all readers of Arabic literature, especially those interested in poetry, in the necessity of knowing what is meant by the use of seas repeatedly, according to Shehab al-Din al-Howizi. The research also aims to introduce the motif and this eminent poet. We have followed the description and analysis in our study, where we brought the verses in which the poet deals with the seas, and we explained his purpose by mentioning them. And we have come to the conclusion that Shehab al-Din used verbal improvements, including the counterpoint, the metaphor, and the metaphor in his use of the seas. Sometimes he describes the kings of the Al-Musha’sha’i who praised them as seas that show their pearls to the poor, and this is the opposite of what real seas do that hide their pearls at their bottom. And at other times he guides those who are looking for good in the deep seas to turn to his generosity.
