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شهرها به عنوان پرمصرف ترین اکوسیستم جهان مسئول بخش عظیمی از مشکلات محیط زیستی جهان هستند. اطلاع از شرایط اکولوژیکی حاکم بر منطقه برای دستیابی به توسعه امری ضروری است. شاخص ردپای اکولوژیکی در زمینه ارزیابی جوامع شهری به عنوان روشی برای اندازه گیری سطوح پایداری موردتوجه بسیاری است. در این پژوهش برای تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها و سنجش پایداری مناطق شهری از روش ردپای اکولوژیک استفاده شده که خود مدلی کمی است؛ همچنین سعی شده است تا با استفاده از روش توصیفی-تحلیلی و با تکیه بر منابع کتابخانه ای شاخص ردپای اکولوژیکی و ظرفیت زیستی اکوسیستم شهری، شهر ساری بررسی شود. ردپای اکولوژیک در بخش مصرف (شامل رد پای اکولوزیک، مسکن، خدمات و حمل و نقل) در چهار منطقه شهر ساری محاسبه شده که با توجه به نتایج حاصل از تجزیه وتحلیل اطلاعات به دست آمده رد پای اکولوژیک مصرف در شهر ساری برابر 94/0 و ظرفیت زیستی این شهر برابر 59/0 هکتار جهانی به ازای هر فرد است که درنتیجه با مقایسه ظرفیت زیستی و ردپای اکولوژیک شهر ساری کمبود اکولوژیک داشته و به لحاظ اکولوژیک ناپایدار است. بین ردپاهای محاسبه شده در بخش مصرف، حمل ونقل با ردپای اکولوژیک 24/46969 هکتار جهانی بیشترین ردپای اکولوژیک را به خود اختصاص داده است و همچنین با تحلیل ردپای اکولوژیک در مناطق چهارگانه شهر ساری مشخص شد که منطقه یک نسبت به سایر مناطق این شهر از الگوی مصرف بیشتری پیروی می کند؛ اما به طور کلی با توجه به نتایج حاصل از پژوهش تمامی مناطق شهر ساری ازنظر اکولوژیکی در وضعیت ناپایداری قرار دارند.

Investigating the Factors Affecting the Ecological Footprint of Sari City

Cities manifesting the world's most consuming ecosystem are responsible for a large part of the world's environmental problems. Knowledge of the ecological conditions prevailing in any regions is essential for achieving development. Ecological Footprint Index (EFI) is of great interest for assessing urban communities as a way to measure the levels of sustainability. In this research, the ecological footprint method, which is a quantitative model, was used to analyze the data and measure the sustainability of urban areas. To this goal, an attempt was made to study the EFI and biological capacity of the urban ecosystem of Sari City by using a descriptive-analytical method and relying on library resources. Ecological footprint in the consumption sector, including housing, services, and transportation, was calculated in 4 areas of Sari City. According to the results of data analysis, the ecological footprint of consumption in the mentioned city was equal to 0.94 global hectares and its biological capacity was 0.59 global hectares per person. Comparison of the biological capacity and ecological footprint of this city showed that it had an ecological deficit and was thus ecologically unstable. Among the footprints calculated in the consumption sector, transportation with the ecological footprint of 46.46969 ha had the most ecological footprint. Also, analyses of the ecological footprints in the 4 regions of Sari City showed that Region 1 had a more footprint than other regions, indicating that it followed a higher consumption pattern, but in general, all areas of Sari City were in an ecologically unstable situation according to the research results. Keywords : ecological footprint, sustainable development, urbanization capacity, Sari Introduction: Rapid population growth and consequent expansions of cities, as well as the urbanization process exceeding management and development of urban services, have led to an increasing use of natural resources and energy. The amount of ecological footprint of a society depends on the following factors: population size, average standard of living, average productivity of land ecosystem, efficiency of harvesting, processing, water resources, and use of other resources. By measuring and controlling each of these variables, the effects of resource utilization can be determined, the degree of sustainability of the urban system in relation to the natural ecosystem can be studied, and finally, appropriate policies and strategies can be applied to reduce the effects of ecological footprint and increase urban sustainability. It is important to note that analysis of ecological footprint varies according to the type of community, country, and the amount of technology used in that community. In other words, ecological footprint varies based on the level of development and land use in each country. Generally, the study of ecological footprint shows that the developed countries have a greater impact on natural areas.   Methodology: Various social, economic, cultural, political, and environmental aspects, etc. have affected human life. One of the aspects of rapid urban development is increasing urban population and thus increasing use of the ecological resources of cities. The mismatch between the exploitation level of resources and ecological potential of a city has caused urban instability, which needs to be determined by measuring the ecological potential of exploitation so as to increase urban sustainability. In recent decades, there has been a large increase in the population of Sari City, which has caused its ecological instability due to the excessive use of land and ecological resources. Therefore, it is necessary to determine its ecological potential and level of utilization of resources. The present study tried to measure the ecological footprint, consumption, housing, and transportation in Sari City and determine its ecological status and sustainability. Thus, in addition to recognizing the current situation, the future of this city can be predicted and its problems can be solved in terms of each of the mentioned ecological indicators, as well as providing the necessary measures to prevent its possible natural hazards.   Discussion: Ecological footprint is a computational tool for measuring population demand on nature. It is mainly used to assess ecological potential, ultimate ecological capacity, and sustainable development. The ecological footprint of a country or region involves the areas of bio-production (land and sea) that will be needed to consolidate current consumptions by using the dominant technology. The Ecological Footprint Index (EFI) includes several special functions in the areas of bio-production, such as land, agriculture, and forestry, both for wood production and carbon sequestration in geospatial pastures and water areas. The key concept for calculating ecological footprint and bioavailability by this index is using the same unit of hectare globally; thus, it is easy to evaluate and compare the studied areas with other areas globally. The ecological footprint method is a prelude to planning and one of the important and essential tools, which helps to achieve sustainability. The results of this research indicated that the ecological footprint of housing in Sari City was 1 hectare worldwide. Of 13980,29 hectares, 2071,55, 3840,81, 1602,64, and 620,66 hectares showed the global ecological footprints of the housing sector in the 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , and 4 th regions of Sari City, respectively. Among the 4 districts of the city, District 2 had the highest footprint in the housing sector with an ecological footprint of 3840,81 hectares; in other words, the citizens living in this district needed more lands to meet the needs of their housing sector. The ecological footprint of transportation is estimated with regard to urban areas. It is calculated by the sum of the ecological footprints of the Earth and the energy consumptions, including gasoline, diesel, CNG.   Conclusion: Due to the nature of this research, library and field methods were used based on quantitative and qualitative data and information. At first, the ecological footprint indicators were developed for Sari City based on library methods. Then, the field information required for each indicator were collected and analyzed. Finally, the status of each indicator and the general situation of the city were determined in terms of ecological footprint and degree of sustainability. The ecological footprint in the city of Sari was 46969,24 hectares worldwide, of which 13955,3, 10736,77, 10563,51, and 11713,66 hectares were the global footprints of Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Ecological sustainability offers solutions that initially require revision in relation to agriculture, housing, energy, urban design, transportation, economy, family, consumer resources, forestry, deserts, and the core values of our lives. The study of the bodies and functions of cities, urban planning and designing, ecological design, ecological village, ecological city, and other forms of environmental designs are essential for achieving and promoting urban sustainability. 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