
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


إن عماره یعقوبیان هی إحدی روایات الکاتب المصری المعاصر علاء الأسوانی الذی اشتهر بنظرته النقدیه للمجتمع المصری والحکومه. یدرس الروائی فی روایته التی بُنیت علی عماره تحمل نفس الإسم مشاکل وصعوبات المجتمع المصری المعاصر ویحلّلها حیث أبطال روایته نماذج من شرائح المجتمع وهذا المقال یقوم على نظریه التقلید والتمثیل وحسب هذه النظریه، یتم تقییم العمل الأدبی بناءً على درجه انعکاس الحقائق المحیطه به ودرجه صدقه فی إظهار ما یعکسه، لأن أساس الفن هو التقلید وقابلیه التأثیر، وعمل الفنان هو قول الحقیقه مع الخیال. و تطرق هذا البحث إلی دراسه وجوه الشبه والاختلاف فی احدى شخصیات الروایه  "کی الدسوقی" مع الشخصیه الحقیقیه "زکی رستم". وأهم ما توصل إلیه البحث هو أن الأسوانی قد تأثّر کثیرا بسیره حیاه الفنان المصری الشهیر "زکی رستم" واستلهم منها معالم الشخصیه الخیالیه، ومن هذه المعالم التی یمکن ذکرها: إسم الشخصیه والوضع الاجتماعی الرفیع لأبیه و کیفه نشأته و مکان عیشه والتاریخ العائلی ونمط الحیاه والإمکانیات المالیه والرفاهیه.

The Influence of the Real Characters in imārat-e- yaqubiān (The Yacoubian Building) on ʽalā al-Aswani on the Basis of Mimesis and Representation Theory: A Case Study of Zaki al-Dusuqi

imārat-e- yaqubiān (The Yacoubian Building) is one of the novels of ʽalā al-Aswani, a contemporary Egyptian writer, best known for its critical view of Egyptian society and government. He wrote the novel in 2002 after the name of a so called building. The protagonists of the novel are, in fact, the representatives of various groups of Egyptians people that al-Aswani explain their life events as a vehicle to explores the problems and difficulties of contemporary Egyptian society. This article is based on the theory of mimesis ( mohākāt ). According to this theory the evaluation of literary work depends on the degree of its power to reflect the surrounding realities and the degree of its honesty in showing what is reflected. Because the art is based on assimilation and impression, and the artist's function is to tell the truth accompanied with the imagination. In this research, the similarities and differences between the fictional character, Zaki al-Dusuqi and the real character, Zaki Rostam, is studied.  Its most important outcome is that Al-Aswani in creating Zaki al-Dusuqi, the fictional character, has been greatly impressed from the life of Zali Rostam, the famous Egyptian artist, of his personality, living place, family background, father's socio-political status, lifestyle and financial abilities can be mentioned.
