
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


یکی بود یکی نبود(کان یاماکان) لمحمدعلی جمال زاده وکان ماکان لمیخائیل نعیمه هما مجموعتان من القصص القصیره التی تعتبر النظره المجهریه والنقدیه للقضایا الاجتماعیه من أهم میزاتهما. إنّ تعاصر المؤلفین فی مجتمعین متقاربین إلى حد ما، والمضامین الاجتماعیه لکلا المجموعتین وأسالیب تطرقهما إلى تلک المضامین وتشابههما فی الاسم، قد تسبّب فی تشابه المجموعتین فی مختلف الجوانب خاصه فی مجال معالجتمها النقد الاجتماعی رغم عدم وجود تواصل مباشر بین المؤلفین. یهدف البحث إلى دراسه هاتین المجموعتین القصصیتین فی مجال نقد القضایا الاجتماعیه والتعبیر عن أوجه التشابه والاختلاف بینهما فی هذا المجال ومن ثمّ إنشاء جسر بین الأدبین الإیرانی واللبنانی المعاصر فی القصه القصیره وفق المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی واستناداً إلى المدرسه الأمریکیه للأدب المقارن. خلصت النتائج إلى أنّ أحد الهواجس الرئیسه للمؤلفین فی مجموعتیهما القصصیه کان الانتقاد الشدید والواقعی للوضع الاجتماعی والذی جاء بالاعتماد على مختلف الأسالیب التعبیریه مثل النثر البسیط والعامی واستخدام الأمثال واللغه الغروتیسکیه. یتابع المؤلفان قصصهما النقدیه فی اتجاه الواقعیه متأثّرین بالکُتّاب الأوربیین لتحقیق أهدافهما المرتکزه على المجتمع والتی یمکن أن یصبّ فی تحسین وضع المجتمع.

A Comparative Study of the Aspects of Critical Realism between “Yiki Boud Yaki Nabud” of Muhammad Ali Jamalzadeh and “Kan Ma Kan” by Mikhail Naima

Yeki Boud Yeki Nabud and Kan Ma Kan are two short story collections written by Mohammad Ali Jamalzadeh and Mikhaeil Noaima that procced to the social issues of Iran and Lebanon. In these two collections, the culmination of literary democracy and the author's clever and critical look of social issues are revealed. The coexistence of two authors in two more or less close societies, the social themes of both collections and the style and look at those themes, as well as the names of the two stories, strengthen the assumption of stylistic and thematic closeness of both collections. Jamalzadeh's life coincided with the Constitutional Revolution and he was considered a supporter of the Constitutional Government, Iran, like Lebanon, was lagging behind in various cultural and economic fields due to the tyranny and oppression of kings. In Lebanon also, national liberation movements, such as the constitutional movement in Iran, flared up, and the cry for freedom and independence from the Ottoman Empire rose. These movements had intensified as a result of cultural and intellectual awareness in some Arab societies. Under these circumstances, the two story collections of Jamalzadeh and Mikhail Naima were written so that they were the two initiatives in a new style in Persian and Arabic short stories on the one hand and provided a basis for criticizing the critical situation of the Iranian and Lebanese societies on the other hand. Based on the foregoing, we seek through the paper to study the manifestations of social realism and the methods of expressing it in a collection Yaki Boud Yaki Naboud`s Muhammad Ali Jamal Zadeh and Kan Ma Kan`s Mikhail Naima in the framework of the American School of Comparative Literature and based on the theory of similarities and differences in this school. Note that the main topic in the American School of Comparative Literature is the study of the similarities and differences between literary genres in order to better understand and examine the common cultural and literary separation through the fictional works of these two great writers in Persian and Arabic as these works are a product of human thought through the ages and times. In other words, the research aims to study these two collections of stories in the field of criticism of social issues and express their similarities and differences in this field, and then create a bridge between contemporary Iranian and Lebanese literature in the short story and finally answer the following questions: What are the methods used in Yaki Boud Yaki Naboud by Muhammad Ali Jamalzadeh, and Kan Ya Makan`s Mikhail Naima's criticism of society? What are the similarities and differences between the authors' methods of critiquing society? How did Muhammad Ali Jamalzadeh and Mikhail Naima use humor in their criticism of social issues? According to what was said in the above, The descriptive and analytical method was used in this research, where it compared critical realism between a collection of Yaki Boud Yaki Naboud Muhammad Ali Jamal Ghazadeh and a collection`s Kan Ma Kan by Mikhail Naima in the framework of similarity theories in the American School of Comparative Literature. Their anecdotal texts discussed the similarities and differences between them, and finally we brought the results of the research. About the theoretical framework of the research, it can be said that, it is one of the most similar features between what was, Yki Boud Yaki Naboud , by Muhammad Ali Jamalzadeh, and Kan Ma Kan`s Mikhail Naima, their critical view of social and cultural issues, and on this basis they can be considered within the framework of the school of critical realism in literature, because Mikhail Naima clearly depicts this characteristic and we can see its features in his stories Short, On the other hand, most critics and investigators considered the publication of Yaki Boud Yaki Naboud a literary event and the beginning of realist literature in Iran. As critical realism was a new fo
