
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


الصلات بین الفرس و العرب قدیمة تمتد أصولها إلی أبعد من تاریخ المدن و الاختلاط. و التبادل و المشارکة فی الحیاة الاجتماعیة و الثقافیة بین الامتین فی کل العصور یکشف عن أوثق الروابط و الصلات بینهما. کان ظهور الدین الحنیف سبب انتشار اللغة العربیة حتی شملت البلاد الایرانیة و قد شرع معظم العلماء الایرانیین فی تدوین مؤلفاتهم و کتبهم و رسائلهم باللغة العربیة و ظهر شعراء کثیرون ینظمون بها و یعرفون بأصحاب اللسانین لأنهم عبروا بالفارسیة و العربیة و ظهور هؤلاء الشعراء أحد أبعاد تجلیات الصلات الثقافیة بینهما.

Arabic Poems in the Poetical Works of Persian Poets

The roots of the relationships between Arabs and Iranians are returned to the pre-historic era and the exchanges, communications and cooperations in their social, economical and cultural lives, reveals the strongest ties between these two nations. the appearance of Islam caused the spread of Arabic language in Iran ,in such a way it spreaded all over Iran and the Iranian elites and authors developed and published their books, writing and booklets in Arabic language. Many Iranian poets also appeared who wrote their poems in Arabic and as they used to write and say into both languages of farsi and Arabic, they were know as bilingual poets. The appearance of such poets is a dimension and admiration of the cultural relationship between them.
