Undoubtedly, during the post-Cold War era, the fields of political competition changed and with the change in the political geography of the Caspian Sea, the Caucasus and Central Asia, as the Soviet Union collapsed and new countries emerged, the field of competition for a change in power balance not only expanded but took on a new form. Economic benefits, diversification of fossil fuels and new and large markets have shaped, so trans-regional countries have become aware of this part of the world. Com-petition for filling the geopolitical vacuum in the Caspian Sea and its Piraeus due to po-litical forces trying to balance power in the regions, from the offensive Realism's point of view is the subject of this article. This paper uses a Descriptive-Analytic library ap-proach to answer the following question, what roles do the Caspian and Eurasian areas play in the geopolitical balance of the world today? The expansion of globalization, the free market, and the explosion of information indicate the polarization of this region. Given the presence of important Trans-Regional and regional Players in this area, the important Hypothesis is that, the region will be the geopolitical intersection of the mul-tipolar world in the future.