
بارزترین شاخصه بافت های تاریخی شهرها، میراث شهری ملموس و ناملموس ارزشمند و ظرفیت های قابل عرضه و واجد اهمیت است که مورد کم توجهی تصمیم سازان و تصمیم گیران قرار می گیرد. گردشگری میراثی به دلیل نقشی که در ایجاد مزیت های رقابتی در مقیاس ملی و محلی دارد یکی از ابزارهای مهم بازآفرینی بافت های تاریخی شهرها محسوب می شود، این نقش توجه توأمان به حفاظت و توسعه بافت های تاریخی را مدنظر قرار می دهد. استفاده از گردشگری میراثی در مناطق تاریخی می تواند به بازآفرینی شهری موفق این بافت ها کمک نماید. پژوهش حاضر درصدد آن است تا دارایی ها و ظرفیت های موجود در حوزه گردشگری میراثی را شناسایی نماید و خوانشی بر الگوی گردشگری میراثی در بازآفرین بافت تاریخی شیراز داشته باشد. این پژوهش برگرفته از پارادایم تفسیرگرایی است، رویکرد آن استقرایی، نوع پژوهش کاربردی - توسعه ای و ماهیت آن توصیفی - تحلیلی است و در زمره رویکردهای کیفی قرار می گیرد، روش گردآوری داده ها اسنادی، پیمایشی و روش نمونه گیری هدفمند است و تجزیه و تحلیل داده های آن نیز بر اساس کدگذاری باز، محوری و گزینشی است برای تبیین الگو از راهبردهای نظریه داده بنیاد استفاده گردیده است. در این پژوهش جهت دستیابی به اهداف آن با 12 نفر از افراد متخصص که شامل بهره وران و استفاده کنندگان، ذی نفوذان و ذی مدخلان بافت بودند مصاحبه های عمیق نیمه ساختار انجام گردید. بر اساس نظریه داده بنیاد، اسناد گردآوری شده در 175 کد باز، 131 مفهوم، 49 مقوله فرعی و 15 مقوله اصلی تحلیل شدند. نتیجه خوانش بیانگر این است که الگوی گردشگری میراثی در بازآفرینی بافت تاریخی شیراز، باید آموزش و پرورش، گردشگری فرهنگی، اجتماعی و مذهبی، گردشگری کالبدی، رویدادمحوری، ارزش های سنتی، میراث معنوی و انسجام اجتماعی را مدنظر قرار دهد، همزمان با آن ظرفیت سازی، الگوسازی، ترویج و تشویق، تعامل، همکاری و کنش گری در بستر تدوین و بازبینی قوانین ملی و محلی، تسهیلگری و میانجیگری، تسهیل کردن و اختیار دادن زمینه بروز خلاقیت کالبدی، مشارکت مردمی و سرزندگی اجتماعی فراهم شود و منتج به تقویت هویت کالبدی، فرهنگی و اجتماعی گردد.

A Reading on Heritage Tourism in the Model of Regeneration the Historical Texture by Grounded Theory (Case Study: Shiraz)

The most obvious characteristic of the historical textures of the cities is the valuable tangible and intangible urban heritage and the available and important capacities, which are neglected by the decision-makers. Heritage tourism is considered one of the important tools for regeneration the historical contexts of cities due to its role in creating competitive advantages on a national and local scale. This role takes into consideration the protection and development of historical textures. The use of heritage tourism in historical areas can help the successful urban regeneration of these tissues. The current research aims to identify the existing assets and capacities in the field of heritage tourism and have a reading on the model of heritage tourism in regeneration the historical texture of Shiraz. This research is derived from the paradigm of interpretivism, its approach is inductive, the type of research is applied-developmental and its nature is descriptive-analytical, and it falls under the category of qualitative approaches, the method of collecting data is documentary, survey and purposeful sampling. Its data analysis is also based on open, central and selective coding, and the strategies of the Grounded Theory were used to explain the pattern. In this research, in order to achieve its goals, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 experts who included beneficiaries and users, influencers and stakeholders. Based on the foundational data theory, the collected documents were analyzed in 175 open codes, 131 concepts, 49 subcategories and 15 main categories. The result of the reading shows that the model of heritage tourism in regeneration the historical context of Shiraz should consider education, cultural, social and religious tourism, physical tourism, event-oriented, traditional values, spiritual heritage and social cohesion, at the same time. With it, capacity-building, pattern-making, promotion and encouragement, interaction, cooperation and action in the context of drafting and revising national and local laws, facilitating and mediating, facilitating and empowering the field of physical creativity, public participation and social vitality, and resulting to strengthen physical, cultural and social identity. Extended Abstract Introduction:       The most obvious characteristic of the historical textures of the cities is the valuable tangible and intangible urban heritage and the available and important capacities, which are neglected by the decision-makers. Due to its role in creating new jobs and creating competitive advantages on a national and local scale, tourism is considered one of the important tools for regeneration historical contexts. By strengthening tourism, it is possible to achieve the protection of historical textures. Using tourism in historical areas can help solve urban problems and achieve successful urban regeneration of these areas. Heritage tourism is the redevelopment of an area with historical and cultural values, an inevitable process of urban development. The historical texture of Shiraz, has the most valuable spiritual characteristics such as cultural identity, specific cultural patterns, social and cultural authenticity, unique economic capacities and with specific patterns of architecture and urban planning, physical identity. However, the tourism capacities of the historical texture of Shiraz metropolis as one of the largest and richest historical and cultural centers of the country have been neglected. Therefore, this research seeks to identify the existing assets and capacities in the field of heritage tourism and have a reading on the model of heritage tourism in regeneration the historical texture of Shiraz Methodology:       This research is derived from the paradigm of interpretivism, its approach is inductive, the type of research is applied-developmental and its nature is descriptive-analytical, and it falls under the category of qualitative approaches, the method of collecting data is documentary, survey and purposeful sampling. Its data analysis is also based on open, central and selective coding, and the strategies of the Grounded Theory were used to explain the pattern. In this research, in order to achieve its goals, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 experts who included beneficiaries and users, influencers and stakeholders. Based on the foundational data theory, the collected documents were analyzed in 175 open codes, 131 concepts, 49 subcategories and 15 main categories. Results and discussion:        In the heritage tourism reading of the model of regeneration the historical texture of Shiraz, five categories of education, cultural, social and religious tourism, physical tourism, event-centered, traditional values ​​and spiritual heritage, and social cohesion were identified as effective causal conditions. In this model, causal conditions include categories that affect the formation of the central category. Strategies for the realization of the central category, which are specific actions and interactions that have resulted from the central category, and in this model, people's participation, social vitality, and physical creativity. Fields have also been introduced as special conditions that affect strategies, facilitation and mediation, facilitation and empowerment, formulation and review of national and local laws. The intervention conditions in this model, which are the general background conditions affecting the strategies, are capacity building, pattern making, promotion and encouragement, interaction, cooperation and action. The consequences of the model of this research are physical identity, cultural and social identity. Conclusion:       The historical texture of cities with historical and cultural attractions are neglected by decision makers and decision-makers, heritage tourism is one of the significant approaches in recreating historical contexts, which plays a very important role in economic, physical, social and It has a culture. A careful reading of this role should be placed in the agenda of the trustees so that it can consider the protection and development of historical contexts in a balanced way and have effective results in the regeneration of historical texture. In the historical context of cities, especially in the city of Shiraz, in the study of heritage tourism, event-oriented category, traditional values ​​and spiritual heritage, we should focus on historical stories and narratives, capitals and spiritual heritage, traditional and old values ​​of the context, events and Historical and cultural rituals should be emphasized and efforts should be made to inform about these events and values, documentaries, multimedia productions and storytelling. Also, education and training of tourism capacities of historical context should be taken into consideration. In the category of social, cultural and religious tourism, by using the capacity of creative houses, efforts should be made to identify, strengthen the attractions and recreational and tourism capacities, and introduce the religious and special attractions of the historical texture of Shiraz. The category of physical tourism, the diverse architecture of historical houses and the definition of tourism should be emphasized In order to read the role of heritage tourism in recreating historical contexts, especially in the city of Shiraz, in the context of facilitation and mediation by defining the duties of facilitator and mediator, fulfilling the role and reassuring people in heritage tourism should be emphasized, also in the category of drafting and revising national laws. And local attention should be paid to the review of municipal laws and cultural heritage and to fix the museum's view of historical contexts, and in the category of facilitating and giving authority, he paid attention to facilitating and delegating national authority to the provinces in carrying out context actions. At the same time, capacity building should be considered by formulating a comprehensive plan for the regeneration and flexible registration of the historical context, modeling, promoting and encouraging all-round participation in preserving the context's facilities, social activism and interaction with policy makers, inter-institutional cooperation in the implementation of various matters. The context and connection of activists with the media should be emphasized. The emergence of heritage tourism with physical creativity is possible by showing creativity, depicting events, making spaces attractive and creating stories, producing old architectural and artistic materials, and popular participation and social vitality in preserving the heritage of localities, the result of which is strengthening the physical, cultural and Social according to the identification and strengthening of physical assets, content-oriented patterns, memory generation, artistic cultural needs of the fabric, culture building, preservation of the original residents, the heritage of ordinary citizens and the prosperity of the traditional way of life in the valuable historical texture of Shiraz.
