
سلامتی حق و مسئولیتی همگانی و محصول مشترک دولت ها و ملت ها است. در کنار نقش دولت در توسعه سیاست های حامی سلامت، مشارکت در مراقبت های بهداشتی اصلی کلیدی برای دست یابی به «سلامت برای همه» است. روش هایی متفاوت برای انجام این مشارکت آزموده شده است؛ از این رو، برای تصمیم گیری بهتر و کاهش خطاهای مدیریتی، موانع مشارکت مردمی در مدیریت نظام سلامت بررسی و اولویت بندی شدند. در این پژوهش، با استفاده از فرآیند سلسله مراتبی و روش اکتشافی، معیارها و زیرمعیارها استخراج شدند و جدول مقایسات زوجی طراحی و بین 30 نفر از کارکنان مجمع خیرین دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اصفهان توزیع شد. ناسازگاری جداول با استفاده از نرم افزار Expert choice مشخص و وزن هر شاخص تعیین شد. نتایج حاصل از نرم افزار رتبه بندی نشان داد موانع ساختاری مشارکت مردمی در سیستم سلامت، چالش های مدیریتی نظام سلامت و عوامل بسترساز مؤثر بر مدیریت نظام سلامت به ترتیب با وزن 158/0، 134 و 128 درصد اولویت اول تا سوم در موانع کلی مشارکت مردمی هستند. در زیرمعیارها، طرح موضوع های مرتبط با سلامت از سوی سلبریتی ها، ایجاد بانک اطلاعاتی جامع برای مؤسسات خیریه، فقدان دانش یا اطلاعات درباره مشارکت عمومی، ایجاد بستر مناسب برای همکاری خیرین و مشارکت فعال در حوزه سلامت به ترتیب با وزن نهایی 33، 31، 30، 29، و 28 درصد اولویت های یک تا پنج را داشتند. مشارکت مردمی یکی از راهبردهای اصلی تأمین، حفظ و ارتقای سلامت جامعه در دست یابی به پوشش همگانی سلامت است که طی آن، ذینفعان در فرآیند مدیریت نظام سلامت تأثیرگذار هستند و در انتخاب راهکارها یا اجرای آن ها نقش اصلی را ایفا می کنند؛ از این رو، لازم است تا موانع مشارکت برطرف شوند تا از این طریق بتوان به بهبود خدمات و در نتیجه، افزایش کیفیت و رضایت مردم، تقویت ارتباط مردم با دولت، کمک به بهره وری خدمات و امکان ارائه خدمات در نقاط و اقشار محروم جامعه دست پیدا کرد.    

Investigating and Prioritizing Barriers to Public Participation in the Health System (Case Study: Association of Benefactors and Employees of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences)

IntroductionThe field of health as an indicator is the axis and goal of the development of the society and without it, sustainable development will not be possible. In addition, health is a multidimensional concept that is influenced by various factors such as socio-economic environment, physical environment, and lifestyle. Nowadays, providing financial resources is one of the most important concerns of health sector managers. Health services are one of the most expensive services in demand in any society (Banke-Thomas et al., 2021); in such a way that a lot of financial pressure is brought on the government to finance, produce resources, and provide health services. Different studies have pointed out that the financial resources needed by the health sector are provided in different ways such as taxes, social insurance payments, direct payments, and charitable institutions (Carnut et al., 2020; Nekui Moghadam et al., 2012). Health organizations are formed to maintain and promote public health. Therefore, optimal management of the health system will be possible along with social development. This research was investigated at a limited level from the point of view of employees working at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Therefore, caution should be taken when generalizing the research results. Another limitation of the research is the cross-sectional nature of the research. Research MethodologyThe current research is a qualitative approach that describes the understanding of pre-reflection experiences (Petrich et al., 2013). As mentioned, the research technique was a semi-structured interview, which was evaluated by two experts to check and validate the questions. The statistical population included employees working at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, who were selected in two sections. First, in the qualitative section, interviews were conducted with 5 employees to determine what factors are effective on people's participation in the management of the health system. After collecting information, then in the quantitative section, quantitative data was analyzed using the opinions of 30 employees of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences using the hierarchical process method.Research FindingsThe results of the ranking software showed that the structural barriers to people's participation in the health system, the management challenges of the health system, and the foundational factors affecting the management of the health system are the first to third priorities in the general barriers to public participation with a weight of 0.158, 134%, and 128%, respectively. Discussion and ConclusionThe issues of health-related issues by celebrities, creating a comprehensive database for charities, lack of knowledge or information about public participation, creating a suitable platform for philanthropic cooperation and active participation in the field of health, respectively with a final weight of 33%, 31%, 30%, 29%, and 28% had priorities from one to five. People's participation is one of the main strategies to ensure, maintain, and promote the health of society in achieving universal health coverage, during which the stakeholders play an influential role in the management process of the health system and in choosing solutions or implementing them. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the barriers to participation so that in this way it is possible to improve the services and as a result, increase the quality and satisfaction of the people, strengthen the relationship between the people and the government, help the efficiency of the services and the possibility of providing services in the deprived areas and strata of the society (Janbazi, 2012). 
