
در توجه نخبگان ایرانی دوره قاجار و پهلوی به دانش های نوین نظامی، سیاسی و اقتصادی غرب، جای تردیدی وجود ندارد؛ اما این توجه تنها به این دانش ها محدود نبوده است. نخبگان آن دوره به دانش های دیگری چون نجوم و پزشکی مدرن هم بی علاقه نبودند. یکی دیگر از این دانش ها جانورشناسی و به ویژه آراء جانورشناس بزرگ قرن نوزدهم، چارلز داروین، بود تا آنجا که بسیاری از پژوهشگرانِ معاصر افرادی چون انصاری کاشانی را متأثر از داروین و جانورنامه او را ملهم از منشاء انواعِ داروین دانسته اند. ادبیات فارسی نیز یکی از حوزه هایی بود که تأثیرگذاری داروین و نظریه او در آن مشهود و آشکار است. تأثیر نظریه داروین بر ادبیات معاصر را از چند جهت می توان بررسی نمود؛ الف) محتوا و درونمایه: نویسندگان و شاعرانی چون میرزاده عشقی و صادق هدایت بر اساس آراء داروین آثاری خلق کرده اند. ب) تجدد ادبی: برخی از نوگرایانِ معاصر برای اثبات درستی ادعای خود به داروین و نظریه او استناد کرده اند و بر اساس آن تنها تجددی را درست دانسته اند که همچون تحول انواع موجودات آرام و تدریجی باشد. پ) سبک شناسی: پیدایش سبک شناسی در دوره معاصر بی گمان بدون آشنایی با اندیشه های داروین ممکن نبود. بهار در سبک شناسی خود به پیروی از داروین اشاره کرده است. ت) نقد ادبی: بررسی نقد ادبی مدرن ایران به خوبی نشان از غلبه جهان نگری داروینی بر ذهن و زبان ناقدان معاصر دارد.

Darwin and contemporary Iranian literature

Introduction One of the subjects that must be addressed in the study of contemporary Iranian literature is the impact of political, philosophical, and economic systems, or more precisely, the history of ideas. For example, understanding our contemporary literature is impossible without familiarity with the views of existentialist philosophers (Sartre, Heidegger, Camus, etc.) just as a precise comprehension of contemporary literature cannot be claimed without knowledge of Marxism and the thoughts of its intellectuals. This issue can be extended to other fields such as zoology. Darwin, the great nineteenth-century zoologist, though a zoologist, soon caught the attention of elites in other fields (especially in the humanities) who attempted to apply his theory to their own area of study. This is why we encounter many individuals, not only in the West but also in Iran, who have openly spoken of their influence by Darwin and his thought; Malik al-Shu'ara Bahar is one of these individuals. In his famous book on stylistics, he followed Darwin and his method, trying to examine the evolution of vocabulary in the same way Darwin had examined the evolution of animals. The influence of Darwin's views was not limited to stylistics and occurred in other areas such as literary criticism. Review The present research aims to show the various forms of Darwin's influence on contemporary literature. This study attempts to answer several questions related to Darwin and his impact on contemporary literature. These questions include: Which contemporary poets and writers have been influenced by Darwin in creating their literary works? To what extent has the emergence of a new definition of literary criticism in the contemporary era been due to Iranians' familiarity with Darwin's ideas? How did Darwin's theory inspire Malik al-Shu'ara Bahar in establishing the science of stylistics? What role has Darwin's theory played in strengthening modern literary modernity in contemporary Iran? Methodology The methodology of the current research is citation-based and relies on the examination of documents, books, and dissertations written in the contemporary period (from the late Qajar dynasty to the Islamic Revolution). Initially, all works written about Darwin or inspired by Darwin's theory were collected, and then, with a critical eye, various forms of Darwin's influence (in fields such as literary criticism, literary modernity, etc.) were examined and categorized. Conclusion The influence of Darwin and his ideas on Persian literature is much greater than it appears at first glance. This influence can be examined in four different forms. A) Content-wise: Some Iranian poets and writers, who rightly believed in Darwin's views, expressed Darwin's teachings in their works; Mirzadeh Eshghi is the most famous of these poets. However, apart from him, others like Sadegh Hedayat, who in the story of "Adam's Fathers," were influenced by Darwin's theory, can be mentioned. B) Literary modernity: The presence of Darwin's ideas in the essays of pioneers of literary modernity is evident. This presence is most notable in the works of Bahar and then in the essay "Old and New" by Abbas Iqbal Ashtiani. These innovators referred to Darwin and his views on the gradual evolution of beings to prove the gradual and peaceful (not revolutionary) nature of literary modernity. C) Stylistics: Bahar acknowledges his debt to Darwin in his own stylistics and his book on stylistics to the extent that it can be boldly stated that without familiarity with Darwin's theory, a deep understanding of Bahar's stylistics would not be possible. D) Modern literary criticism: A comparative analysis of the characteristics of modern literary criticism with Darwin's views leaves no doubt that modern literary criticism has been influenced by the Darwinian worldview that dominated the modern era.
