
از منظر تاب آورانه می توان هجرت را تصمیمی برای کاهش فشارهای اجتماعی، دست یابی به زمینه های مساعد و بستر مطلوب برای جامعه سازی، رشد و توسعه جامعه شهری و مدنی که اسلام در آن اوج می یابد، دانست. در این نوشتار سعی شده  تا با تبیین انگیزه ها و اهداف هجرت، این حرکت را با ابعاد تاب آورانه تفسیر و تشریح کرد که چگونه خروج از بن بست سیاسی، اجتماعی، باوری و... در مکه با ورود به مدینه تبدیل به فرصت و توسعه در تمامی جوانب می گردد. روش تحقیق پژوهش از نوع تفسیری- تاریخی و با استناد به آیات قرآنی، احادیث و منابع کتابخانه ای است. نتایج بیانگر این است که هجرت جدای از فرار از وضع موجود؛ یک استراتژی برای حرکت به سوی جامعه ای متعالی است که در آن برپایی تمدن اسلامی آغاز می گردد که پس از مدتی ثمرات آن تغییر طلایی نمود پیدا می کند. تبیین، تشریح و تفسیر هجرت به عنوان یکی از اصلی ترین و اساسی ترین سیاست ها و راهبردهای صدر اسلام می تواند از طریق بازتعریف و تطبیق با مولفه های تاب آوری، تعریفی جدید از خود پدیده هجرت را به دست دهد و پلی مابین این مفهوم و تاب آوری باشد و به عنوان یک مولفه برای پایداری و اهداف تاب آورانه در زمان ها و مکان های مختلف به کار رود.


Migration is an example of urban resilience strategy in Islamic thought

According to the Quranic verses and hadiths, migration has special position and dignity, so that its achievement is considered as one of the necessities of religion, and its non-fulfillment in the believer's life will result in divine retribution. In a superficial view, migration may be a solution to overcome pressures and get rid of hardships and problems, in such a way that by examining its role, importance and special position from the perspective of the verses of the Qur'an and the life of the Prophet (PBUH), it can realize the unique impact of this social phenomenon on all political, social, cultural and biological aspects of Muslims. From a resilient point of view, migration can be seen as a decision to reduce social pressures, to achieve favorable conditions and favorable platform for socialization, growth and development of the urban and civil society in which Islam reaches its peak and glory. In this article, an attempt has been made to explain the motivations and goals of migration, to interpret and explain this movement with tenacious dimensions, how to get out of the political, social, cultural, and religious, climatic, etc. impasse in Mecca by entering Medina becomes an opportunity and development in all aspects. The research method of this research is interpretive-historical and based on Quranic verses and hadiths and written from library sources. The results show that emigration apart from escaping from the existing situation, is a strategy to move towards a superior society in which the establishment of Islamic civilization begins, and after some time the result of that change become golden. Explanation, description and interpretation of migration as one of the most basic policies and strategies of the beginning of Islam, which is undoubtedly derived from the specific conditions of the Muslims of that time and place, can give new definition about the migration phenomenon itself through redefining and adapting to the elements of resilience and can be a bridge between this concept and resilience and be used as a component for sustainability and resilience goals in different times and places. Undoubtedly, dealing with the concept of resilience in Islamic thought can be helpful in formulating and framing applicable components for discussing resilience in today's cities. According to this, emigration, which is a measure of necessity and a solution to escape from the existing situation, is removed from the solid dimensions and is presented as a strategy and foresight with considering all aspects that provides way to develop and find wide platform to establish more favorable conditions which cause growth and favorable living environment in the new city of Medina.Considering that the city of Mecca did not have many components of development and was unsuitable for the foundation of urban civilization meanwhile Islam was going through its so-called childhood and maturity at that time, it was Medina that with its strategic location, in terms of access and proximity to commercial centers and the possibility of social communication and neighborhood with neighboring civilizations and the possibility of urban development and growth and etc., could provide this platform and possibility.
