کلید واژه ها: indigenous science Islamic Science Islamic Humanities establishmentism

حوزه های تخصصی:
شماره صفحات: ۹۳ - ۱۱۲
دریافت مقاله   تعداد دانلود  :  ۱۲۸


Two important methods are presented for the phenomenon of religious science. One is the establishment of new religious science, and the other is the modification, reconstruction, and completion of the existing sciences. This research seeks to critique the first point of view and prepare the ground for a second view. In this way, the main circles of establishment views views (NewAkhbari, Qom Academy of Sciences, and Fardid Circle) have briefly proposed and criticized. The focuses of criticism are based on historical induction, impossibility, undesirableness, the tradition of the Prophet and imams, and the emotionality of the establishment-oriented reaction. The final solution presented in this article is purposeful and intelligent adaptation. The first step for the phenomenon of indigenous science is the indigenous theory, and the first step for the phenomenon of indigenous theory is comparative studies
