نویسندگان: محمد کمالی گوکی

کلید واژه ها: Human Rights Political Thought Islam West Allameh Jafari

حوزه های تخصصی:
شماره صفحات: ۲۱ - ۳۸
دریافت مقاله   تعداد دانلود  :  ۵۷


"Human rights" as a fundamental issue in the present century has been a major parts of legal researches as well as one of the main features of democratic governments. Although it was theoretically first raised in the West but provoked various reactions from Islamic countries. In Iran, after the Constitutional Revolution, these issues were addressed. In a division, Shiite political thought can be divided into four sub-categories: political philosophy, political mysticism, political literature, and political jurisprudence. Because in Iran, Shiite jurists have always played a decisive role in various political, social, economic and cultural issues, it is necessary to refer to their opinion in this issue as well. Shiite jurists have also viewed Western human rights from three perspectives: denial, proof, and modification. Among Shiite jurists, the views of Allameh Jafari are interesting due to their special focus on this issue and the coherence of the issues raised by them. The main question pursues in this research is what is Allameh Jafari's view on human rights? This paper hypothesis is that Allameh Jafari, like most modern Shiite jurists, while accepting human rights issues, tries to adjust them according to religious sources and texts.
