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حمد الهی چیزی است که هر فرد مسلمان و مؤمنی به دنبال آن است و همواره در دنیا در تلاش و تکاپوست تا بدین مقصد و مقصود نائل شود. دین اسلام با برخورداری از منابع گران بهای «قرآن و سنت» برنامه تربیتی و اخلاقی همه جانبه ای به جهانیان در این زمینه عرضه می کند. یکی از ابعادی که دین مبین اسلام آن را به خوبی تبیین می کند و بر او تأکید می کند، «حمد» است. پژوهش حاضر بر موضوع جایگاه و ارزش و آثار سلامت اخلاقی- معنوی حمد با رویکردی قرآنی – روایی و زیارت عاشورا متمرکز است؛ به همین دلیل در این مقاله نخست معنای لغوی و اصطلاحی حمد و سلامت اخلاقی- معنوی مطرح می شود سپس به حمد درآیات و روایات و آثار آن در سلامت اخلاقی- معنوی پرداخته می شود و در انتها به حمد در زیارت عاشورا اشاره می کنیم. این تحقیق، از روش آمیزه ای و به کمک اسناد نوشتاری و سامانه های رایانه ای و نرم افزارهای علمی و روش داده پردازی توصیفی و تحلیلی بهره برده است. نتیجه این که ازآن جهت که مهم ترین مبانی دین، حمد است و این حالت الهی، از عواطف مهم انسانی است که در اخلاق فرد و همچنین فعالیت های سیاسی و اجتماعی و... آثار مهمی دارد و انگیزه بسیاری از رفتارهای پسندیده می باشد و دستاوردهای این تحقیق در زمینه آثار سلامت اخلاقی- معنوی حمد عبارت اند از: اخلاص؛ تحصیل مقام توکل؛ کسب رضای خداوند متعال؛ تحصیل مقام تسلیم؛ پاک کننده رذایل اخلاقی همانند: تکبر، بخل، طمع و حرص و... .

The Place and Value and Effects of Moral-Spiritual Health of Hamad with a Quranic-Narrative Approach and Ashura Pilgrimage

God's praise is something that every Muslim and believer is looking for, and he always strives to achieve this goal. With the precious resources of "Qur'an and Sunnah", the religion of Islam offers a comprehensive educational and moral program to the world in this field. He emphasizes that one of the aspects that the religion of Mobin Islam explains well is "praise". The current research is focused on the issue of the place and value and effects of Hamad's moral-spiritual health with a Qur'anic-narrative approach and Ashura pilgrimage. For this reason, in this article, the literal and idiomatic meaning of praise and moral-spiritual health is discussed, then praise in the verses and traditions and its effects on moral-spiritual health are discussed, and finally, we refer to praise in the Ashura pilgrimage. This research has used a mixed method with the help of written documents and computer systems and scientific software and descriptive and analytical data processing methods. The result is that because the most important foundation of religion is praise and this divine state is one of the important human emotions that has important effects on a person's morals as well as political and social activities and is the motivation of many desirable behaviors, the achievements of this research in the field of Hamad's moral-spiritual health works include: sincerity; the education of the position of trust; obtaining the pleasure of Almighty God; learning the position of submission; cleanser of moral vices such as: arrogance, avarice, greed, etc. Introduction Noble Qur'anic teachings form the most central part of Islam. Researching Quranic concepts is not only a repetitive and pointless task, but it is also a window towards discovering the truths of the Quran and facilitating its understanding. Praise is mentioned in several verses, perhaps the most explicit of which is verse 44 of Surah Mubaraka Isra' ِنْ لَا تفْقَهُونَ تسْبیَهُمْ, everyone sings His praises, and every creature sings His praises and glorifications, but you do not understand their glorifications; He is tolerant and forgiving). The word "Hamd" alone, without counting its derivatives, is used forty times in the Holy Quran, of which 26 times are dedicated to God. The importance, necessity, and objectives of the research is that one of the teachings and truths that Islam and the Qur'an have called us to is the teaching of praise and glorification, which the Islamic society has neglected. Rather, it is one of the important educational principles of our religion, and for this reason, it has been addressed. In this article, we answer several questions about this principle: What is the position and value and effects of moral-spiritual health of Hamad with a Qur'anic-narrative approach and Ashura pilgrimage? In response to them, it should be said: Because the most important foundation of religion is praise, and this divine state is one of the important human emotions, that has important effects on a person's morals, as well as political and social activities, and is the motivation of many behaviors. Like it or dislike it. Research has been done on the background and history of the place and value of Hamad's moral-spiritual health with a Quranic-narrative approach and Ashura pilgrimage; however, comparative studies in this field and specifically regarding the educational method based on verses and traditions and the pilgrimage of Ashura, have been done less, and a few examples of them are briefly mentioned. The published works about Tabari can be divided into three categories: The first category: Commentaries that the commentators mention the verses related to Hamad and interpret the verse with other verses and traditions surrounding the verse under that verse. Works such as: (Ali ibn Ibrahim al-Qami, Tafsir al-Qami; Tabarsi, Majma al-Bayan; Al-Faiz Al-Kashani, Al-Safi; The Wedding of Hawizi, Noor al-Saqaleen; Siyuti, Al-Dar al-Manthor; Alosi, Rooh al-Ma'ani; Tabataba'i, Al-Mizan; Makarem Shirazi, Tafsir al-Nash). The second category: There are works that are usually books and documents that are narrative or non-narrative, in which verses and hadiths related to praise are discussed in those books and isnads, and the verse in question is also discussed along with other verses. Works such as: (Al-Kalini, Kafi; Sadouq, Ayun Akhbar al-Reza; Mufid, Amali; Tusi, Amali; Al-Tabarsi, Al-Ihtjaj; Haramili, Al-Wasal al-Shia; Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar). The third category: articles; many articles have been written about Hamad, one can refer to an article entitled "Research on the educational method of Hamad in Islamic education" which examines the educational method based on Hamad in Islamic teachings, the results of which show that with nothing like God's praise cannot transform a person and make him walk towards perfection and reaching the position of closeness to God. Also, another article about "education and praise of God in a child" states that the teacher can put him on the path of perfection by providing the basis for the formation of love for God Almighty and God's parents in the child and God's praise. Research Method This research has used a mixed method with the help of written documents and computer systems and scientific software and descriptive and analytical data processing methods. The text used in this research is the Quran and hadiths of the innocents. Text interpretation and speech analysis are used to derive educational propositions from these texts. This method is described below. In order to interpret the speech (of course, regarding the interpretation of the Qur'an, help is taken from the available valid interpretations), the following steps should be followed: 1. Understanding the text; 2. Understanding the main meaning of the text. For the first purpose, i.e. to understand the text, it is necessary to first examine the vocabulary of the text and then the text of the hadith from the Arab point of view, and to understand the main meaning of the text, the references that exist in the target text are examined. In this part, everything that helps to understand the text and is effective in understanding it is examined (Masoodi, 2012, pp. 76-73). Results The general praise and glorification of the creatures here should be a combination of the present tense language and in other words, a formative and legislative glorification, because many people and all the angels praise him from their understanding and intelligence, and all the particles of the creatures also use their present language. They discuss the greatness of the Creator. Although this type of praise and glorification is different, the comprehensive meaning of the word, praise and glorification is common... The value of moral-spiritual health of praise in the narrations is that the value of praise in God's words can be deduced from this when he said: The gift of my servant (Qul al-hamdulillah) has no fixed price for him. Of course, the infinite value of praise is considered for a servant when, according to Imam Khomeini (RA), the servant's belief and action are in accordance with what he said, not when the belief and action are neutral or even in the opposite direction of what he said. The works of the moral and spiritual health of Hamad are: sincerity; the education of the position of trust; Obtaining the pleasure of Almighty God; Learning the position of submission; It is the cleanser of moral vices such as: arrogance, avarice, greed, etc. The manifestation of moral-spiritual health of praise can be seen in the pilgrimage of Ashura with praise in calamities and Imam Hussain (a.s.) as a model of praise and God's pleasure.
