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ظهر فی القرن العشرین العدید من العلوم النقدیه الحدیثه، فکان مصطلح علم السیمیاء هو أحد هذه العلوم الذی ثبت وجوده من قبل علماء النقد الغربی الحدیث، وهم من عرّفوا علم السیمیاء بأنه علامات ودلالات لغویه کانت موجوده قبلاً فی الأدب العربی، فترکزت دراسه هذا البحث حول سیمیائیه الشخصیات الدینیه مثل شخصیه (الإمام الحسین، والإمام الرضا، وشخصیه السیده زینب) فتناول البحث دراسه السیمیائیه لهذه الشخصیات لأنها من الشخصیات المؤثره فی المجتمع الإسلامی. ولها علامات ومدلولات خاصه بها. فکان محور هذا البحث التحلیل السیمیائی لهذه الشخصیات فی شعر الشاعر الفیاض1، فیبین لنا الشاعر ما یعانی منه المجتمع فی زمنه، فیذکر فی أشعاره هذه الشخصیات وما عاشته، وکانت لها ممیزات وعلامات لها تأثیر فی تغیر الواقع الذی کان یعیشه أبناء وطنه ، ویستفید الشاعر من هذه الشخصیات الدینیه فی توضیح غرضه الشعری، ولأنها قریبه من الواقع یستطیع من خلال توظیفها أن یوضح التشابه بین ما مرّت به هذه الشخصیات فی زمنها وبین الواقع الاجتماعی الذی یعیشه وطنه، وما یسوده من الظلم والفقر والطغیان، فلم یستطیع الشاعر أن یوضح ویرسم هدفه بدون الاستعانه بهذه الشخصیات وسیمائیتها، فکان شعر الفیاض یحتوی على ثروه وفیره وغزیره بالرموز والاشارات والمعانی لهذه الشخصیات التی تحتاج الى دراسه وتحلیل لمعرفه مدى حرص وتألم الشاعر على بلده، ومن النتائج البحث هو توضیح العلامات والرموز التی حملتها الشخصیات الدینیه فی شعر الفیاض، التی کانت مخفیه بین أبیات قصائده ، فمثلت هذه العلامات موضوعاً أساسیاً لربط العلاقه بین زمن الشخصیات التی ذکرها وبین الواقع الذی یعیش به الشاعر، فمثل الشعر المعاصر السیمیائیه بکل لغاتها ورموزها، وبالأخص ما أشار إلیه بیرس الذی عبر عن السیمیائیه بالدلاله والصوره التی ترسمها علاقه الدال بالمدلول.

The Semiotics of Religious Figures for The Poet Abdul-Jabbar Al-Fayyadh

In the twentieth century, many modern critical sciences appeared, so the term semiotics was one of these sciences whose existence was proven by modern Western critics, who defined semiotics as linguistic signs and connotations that existed before in Arabic literature. Religious studies and determining their signs, implications and importance in poetry after determining the connotations, symbols and signs of these characters, and their relationship to society. The focus of this research was the semiotics of religious personalities in the poetry of the poet Al-Fayyad. The poet shows us what the society suffers from at all times by mentioning the signs that refer to this suffering. Through these religious personalities, he wanted to clarify their semiotics and what happened to them in their time and what they experienced and suffered? So, he chose religious figures who were close to people, and through employing them, he could clarify the similarity between what these personalities went through in their time and the social reality experienced by the people of his country and the prevailing injustice, poverty and tyranny. Especially contemporary poets such as our poet Abdul-Jabbar al-Fayyad, and the purpose was not to remind them that they are the descendants of the Messenger (peace be upon him) and they must follow their path only. The poet has vocabulary specific to the incident of tuff, not only intended to fight, but he wanted to take lessons and wisdom from that incident and not repeat the mistake that Muslims made before when they failed and did not stand with the Imam to support the religion and save the oppressed people. The semiotics were clear in his poetry and loaded with symbols, signs and connotations with multiple meanings and related to the social and historical reality that was not restricted to a specific time. *PhD student of Arabic language & literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad Iran. alselawee252@gmail.com . **Assistant Professor of Arabic language & Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran (corresponding author). seddighi@um.ac.ir ***Professor of Arabic language & Literature, University of Lebanon, Beirut, Lebanon. maha_h86@hotmail.com The poet used the term personality according to its concept known by poets of contemporary literature, so the personality became a means for al-Fayyad to express its connotations and features through the concept of semiotics. The study on the one hand, as literary criticism had the greatest effort in clarifying the characters and their concept and studying them at the level of poetry and poetic poems in particular. The poet referred to it in the content of his poetry, creating a kind of integration between events and linking them to the desired goal. We found Al-Fayyad’s poetry containing abundant wealth and abundant symbols, signs and meanings that need study and analysis to know the extent of the poet’s concern and pain for his country, and we will try to decipher the symbols and show the semantic signs through a study The semiotics of some of his poems that contain religious figures based on modern theories that discovered this science and proved its existence. On the semiotic symbols and we explain them to the reader by analyzing the poems and explaining what is hidden in their verses, and many different studies have emerged about the semiotic method, and that this science consists of different elements, symbols and signs and has semantic relations based on the theory of signifier and signified, so studies branched out about this science from different sides, and every researcher tries To achieve the goal he wanted to reach in his study after relying on the studies that preceded him with an attempt to renew in writing research in a modern style that no researcher had previously touched on, and studying the semiotics of religious personalities associated with Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and their impact on changing society in the poetic fi
